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Animal Allies 21/10/00

In South Africa, a nervous Doc Rogers takes on a very precious patient; while in Australia Animal Helpers assist a group of whales as they struggle to return to the sea. In this week’s How To Dr Justine has some practical advice on cat hygiene, and in the UK Animal World sympathizes with those who have recently lost a pet,
Video Rating: 5 / 5
CLIFFHANGER KITTY!! This video CLIFFHANGER KITTY!! I think the Win video should be chosen. Link www.youtube.com Thanks so much, and don’t forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL www.youtube.com PERSONAL CHANNEL www.youtube.com MUSIC CHANNEL www.youtube.com GAME CHANNEL www.youtube.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com TWITTER www.twitter.com Please share with all your friends, it really helps a lot =) thank you and welcome to the channel Megan CLIFFHANGER KITTY!! clock kitty kitten cat cute toby turner tobuscus kittens cats dog funny fail
Video Rating: 1 / 5
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There is a cliff to be hung off of….
In my pants…
this video is awesome
@Grimreeper102 sorry man, find another dude to fullfill ur fetishes
sex sells………
your gorgeous and you have beautiful eyes
smh at this whore. the only reason this bitch gets views is because all of her videos are responses and she has an arrow pointing to her tits. fucking sluts nowadays..
Wow. She is very pretty.
hey theres lizard shit on your nose
i’d hit
I wonder how many views you would have if you did not have tits.
@GamersDemos If you like squish your man tittys together and zoom the camera in they will totally look like a pair of bewwwbs. LEGIT trust me.
Everyonee luvs man boobs.
@Grimreeper102 2 problems : i ain’t got moobs and second thing is i don’t think anyone would find that attractive…beside you ofcourse
i think the BEST thing about this girl is her beautiful pair of …eyes… i’m not as much as a perv as everyone else…
@GamersDemos Stop whining and expose your man boobs then
put cleavage and get 10x more views than a guy who actually works in his videos….
HOLY CRAP! your gorgeous.
Im only here for the boobs
someone help her! she is paralysed in her chair!
why is this bitch on the sidebar of every video i watch. guess what no one gives a fucking shit bout ur opinion
Did anyone get a boner watching this?
Did anyone a boner watching this?
wow you are pretty!!!