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25 комментариев на “CAT STEVENS — LADY D’ARBANVILLE”

  1. mounirrrr:

    45 dislike because he s muslim ; ;:

  2. traderseneca:

    @fbkc88 hala şarkı söylüyor. müslüman olmasının sana ne zararı var.

  3. lara8550able:

    I like this song and from the beginning it’s in my favorites ;-))) This is an amazing singer and song is more than great 😉
    I don’t know Maja but in my name also R.I.P dear Maja , we are both love this song ;-))) Sleep and be happy in the Heaven with a Angel who will protect you ;-))) Also my greetings and condolence to yours friends who are sad because they are lost you ;-(((
    Yours unknown friend from Bosnia and Herzegovina ;-)))

    ~ Lara ~

  4. mioc24:

    whot fucking people are you,so what if he is musliman the song is like drugs and for maja so sead i am from osijek so i remember R.I.P MAJA

  5. bepino355:

    Always when I hear this song I remember my friend Maja Marinić from Garešnica(Croatia) whose favorite song it was. She died last year in a car accident
    R.I.P. Maja

  6. sayedkhalideshaq:

    lovely song by an amazing legend !!!

  7. muratalabacak:

    @fbkc88: Müslüman olan her insan yanlış yoldan dönmüş demektir. Keşke müslüman olmasaydın.

  8. muratalabacak:

    45 dislikes? Are they alien??

  9. fbkc88:

    keşke müslüman olmasaymış…!

  10. mongolakos:

    μακαρι να μπορουσα να σε ξυπνησω….. ονειρα ζαχαρενια κοριτσι…..

  11. SparkOfLoveOfficial:

    very nice ;)

  12. 13BRHN:

    i also listen you if u re not muslim 🙂 u re amaizing

  13. stezyrezy:

    she must have been one hell of a f’…! she had a couple of musicians write and record for her!! LUCKY BITCH1 stezyrezy

  14. LoveAndySixx1997:

    quite simply, Patti would be death, then she could give no more Intervies.
    But she does it! for example: in bed with rock gods from Pamela Des Barres.
    Ex-Groupies they write and talk about their history!!

  15. LoveAndySixx1997:

    the girl lives!

  16. LoveAndySixx1997:

    she was his groupie, ‘his girl’

  17. neilaclasse1981:

    Vous savez l’islam n’est pas l’obscurantisme, bien au contraire. Voyez la lumière qui emane de son visage aujourd’hui. C’est un croyant musulman. Les obscurantsites c’est vous, «si seulement vous saviez».

  18. waltinhopai:

    Eis aqui,uma das muitas músicas que marcaram a minha adolescência.

  19. N9oeuf:

    De tellement belles chanson, les plus belles !!! ah les sixties, seventies, époque tellement regrettée ….

  20. MonicaReally:

    Best video ever? Yes. Yup. Mhm.

  21. MrVini2:

    one of the best from him 🙂

  22. holyshaman123:

    only complete idiot can dislike this..i think that no matter what music you prefer,you must love this so song..

  23. rooroo1241:

    I love the song

  24. quickfighter1:

    he is the best, wat kind of people can  hate him

  25. OutLawAce13:
