だるまさんが転んにゃ — Stalking Cat —


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25 комментариев на “だるまさんが転んにゃ — Stalking Cat —”

  1. burakunomoonwalker:


  2. Casna101:


    I know! That’s what makes it so SCARY. DX

  3. mimomimoza:


  4. LyRac4nME:

    XD Cat is stalking..i have a cat like this but not stalking it’s hiding and jump out of nowhere biting my leg XD

  5. mintchick97:

    That cat is a weeping angel!!

  6. aks3211:

    stalkerish much o.0 lol

  7. 11121Bieber:

    i screamed @ the end, then my mom burst into my room and shouted «who died?!?!»

  8. pikapotter2:

    @ManofWario Because it’s Japan.

  9. AmiraArtMusic:


  10. ManofWario:

    Why must the best of things be in Japanese??

  11. ZARN1234O:

    it’s an ENDERMAN!!!!

  12. Fwoodflute18:

    thats soo creppy!!!

  13. CupcakeGoddess1799:

    C.R.E.E.P.Y!!!!!!!!! But adorable 🙂

  14. conturebob:

    Amnesia cat ! XD

  15. GirlPeaceAwesome:

    Such huge. Cute. Big. Eyes

  16. KaraGirlie:


  17. airplanekid77:

    awww my cat used to do that

  18. iamthehangedman:

    lol coool

  19. Bluebuthappy182:

    @coolchik9r9r don’t blink whatever you do don’t blink

  20. toonertube:

    @iRaphi101 Naw its a used to be enderman or a weeping angel. one of the two.

  21. jacelyncarley:

    @coolchik9r9r IKR!!! i thought that too

  22. Nikklas57:

    @coolchik9r9r XD

  23. megaadoreable1:


  24. coolchik9r9r:

    It’s like a weeping angel…. only a cat… O.o

  25. xXAusiPowaXx99:
