Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing


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LIMITED EDITION DVD: A city of singing cats is preyed upon by a shadowy figure intent on performing a twisted feline symphony. Latest short film by The People’s Republic of Animation, directed by Eddie White and Ari Gibson. The Cat Piano features the voice of iconic Australian artist Nick Cave narrating a poem written by Eddie White. Nick Cave recorded the narration whilst in Melbourne in 2007 while on tour with his band, The Grinderman.

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50 комментариев на “Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing”

  1. DrepDeAndre:


  2. natarieeecat:

    Actually loled just then.

  3. InkmemoriesVIDEO:

    Its the card that gives the dogs bad reputation haha

  4. Randyater:

    wow a cat b arking

  5. RageMixParadise:

    A new experiment made by Aperture Science 🙂

  6. Hutch017:

    In Soviet Russia, Cat bark at Dog

  7. roshresort:

    OMG!! Too funny!!!

  8. Tobbywar:


  9. jason1photo:

    just checking the hinges DIY cat

  10. Jerakal:

    Cats: They will troll the shit out of you.

  11. aliciapilar716:

    This cat has a long tail.

  12. PrincessAriell3:


  13. KrisKillam:

    @tb825c its all good. even from the ads, I’m sure they’re making bank haha

  14. MrInsaneMixer:

    In Soviet Russia..
    Oh forget it.

  15. joshuasargeantmusic:

    i wish this was real.. someone say its real haha anyway got some songs id love everyone to hear on my profile !!! xxx

  16. DynamusLockonStratus:

    @Warmachine11355 you must be blind, because i see it >_>;

  17. Blueberry21190:

    اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

  18. Warmachine11355:

    wait….you dont see the cats jaw move when its «barking»

  19. funnycatster:


  20. PothWaza:

    -Poker Face- Meow.. XD

  21. ChatDEau69:

    Good fake!

  22. RAZOR8954:


  23. NeekoTheFreeko:

    I agree, That cat is totally a spy, that’s a shepard in DSH clothing!

  24. NeekoTheFreeko:

    it’s a tarp!

  25. SoloWing808:

    lol he put on his poker face

  26. CosmicAussie:

    The writing in this is wonderfully witty.
    Well written words wash in waves, waxing, winding, working wonderfully within ones whole.

  27. videosthatwhatever:

    where is morgan freeman’s narration XD

  28. videosthatwhatever:

    where is morgan freeman’s narration

  29. pinkspotthekitten:


  30. Ardhamon5000:

    Man, this was a really well done short. So much work put into the animation and artwork. I absolutely love the style put into the characters, it’s not cutesy or anything, and it fits the story completely. I also love the way you did the music as well. The dark and twisted sound that’s mixed in with the classic feel.

    Nick Cave did great with the narration. He had this calm and cool tone and also did great with the scared tone in his voice.

    Nice work, man.

  31. Roxor41:

    Don’t be, it was the funny thing to say.

  32. crimsonblood1718:

    Nick cave has a great voice for this.

  33. Chowder2689:

    This is my favourite avant guard film

  34. galixartistry:

    Im on the amazing side of youtube again.

  35. pleimanis:

    Am I the only one who thinks all Nick Cave touches turns to gold? Seriously, his voice transforms this from great to fuckin’ awesome.

  36. TheHarlequinHatter:

    It was invented, but never built. no worries. All that existed of it were blueprints.

  37. Seofangurl:

    h-how can one dislike this?!

  38. ZXtales23:

    @StevO1942 Dont be sorry =))) Good call there man :))))

  39. homesauce2000:

    What a fantastic film. I watch it a hundred times and it never gets old. I long to create 2D animation as great as this. Makes me wish I could live in a music filled city with a celestial female <3

    PS: I love the monochromatic schemes of blue in a black background. Reminds me of JumpStart 4th Grade: Haunted Island when the color schemes and atmosphere looked exactly like this.

  40. BlooperfazR:

    That was a very GOOD video!! it should be a movie owo

  41. Roxas131413:

    That…was horrific and beautiful…

  42. br0k3nr0b0t:

    It’s like Lackadaisy and Saladfingers had a baby.

  43. alexookpik:

    I’d recognize that voice anywhere. In fact, it took all of 30 seconds.

  44. ThePsychGreen:

    This gave me shivers. I’ve fallen in love with it. Well done! Bravo!

  45. CatherineWitherell:

    This is a wonderfully done video and I love the poem! Thank you for sharing it!

  46. lofibuffet:

    my soundcard died so I didn’t hear the music, but that is a terrific piece of storytelling and animation. Well done, kudo’s!!!!

  47. fallenangel7191:

    This is so beautiful and haunting and wondrous and, really, words sort of fail me.

  48. noahcism:

    The moral of the story is don’t fuck with Nick Cave

  49. Debussy1990:

    excellent video!!!

  50. slovan: