Cats Try to Understand Treadmill


Cats Try to Understand Treadmill. Cats are so silly sometimes =P
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Finally! Another Cat Video! Cat Yodeling Tutorial with an introduction to Cat Polka. Cat Yodeling will soon take over the universe and you don’t want to get left behind! «Aspect Ratio» sequence near the start is a spoof of a video called «Free Hugs.» Ending music is «Can Can» by Offenbach.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 комментариев на “Cats Try to Understand Treadmill”

  1. Renaroo10:

    I love how every time pepper hits it Snowball Flinches. Sooooo Cute <3 <3

  2. mnvbalaoing:

    too cute

  3. 78kokka:

    1:47 «Stop, moron! You’ll end up to break it!»

  4. nicktaylormitreski:

    @xanthous0manticore my point exactly 😀

  5. elissutza1:

    i cant stop laughing when i see that part :))))))))

  6. elissutza1:


  7. boo101895:

    best part 1:46 lmao

  8. pokingu2death:

    spin the record baby

  9. 6rednek:

    Pepper’s view of the treadmill is America’s view on new things:
    If you Can’t understand it, destroy it.

  10. VioletRawr1:

    That cat can slap

  11. SonicGeneration:

    Snowball is a troll lol

  12. TheDragongirl1:

    Pepper is really giving the Treadmile som really hard bitchslapps XD

  13. pokemad1221:

    Kill it!!

  14. coppersn4ke:

    1:47 smartarse white cat

  15. cuterubii:

    128 Dislikes ?? they must be BLIND ! Haters get a life !

  16. MrNicholasROCKS:

    1:57 Right in the face

  17. Esme2256:

    thats too funny!!!

  18. ThingUTS:

    Pepper seems to want to kill it

  19. zagnut36:

    Your cats are like WTF It moves but it dont go anywhere lol the black one is So STINING FUNNY

  20. anonymousskunk:

    Your black cat is both adorable and hilarious! *SMACK! *SSMACK SMACK!*

  21. ChronicCVS:

    Someone should do a voice over for this video and post it !!!!!!

  22. EMandMyDevart:

    I like died from laughter 🙂 Sooo cute 😀

  23. wolfgoddessnix:

    LOL they really DO NOT like tht thng!!

  24. rmg2458:

    Helping my dad understand youtube — thumbs up for technology brain blocks lol


  25. XxDelenaForeverxX:

    I love it @ 1:46 when snowball bonks pepper 🙂

  26. kur0b4:

    Guys, you and your cats are just awesomesauce 🙂

  27. pxoxo06:

    I love u guys!

  28. borchie1986:

    I often held my cat like that and kiss and sniff her… but she never yodels. I’m doing something wrong…

  29. AllenArt64:

    OMG you guys are great! LOLOL

  30. jade21342:

    hahahahhahahahahhaah 😀

  31. MsBannaphone:

    @klusmanp I have cats but they just don’t like being held to much. I wish i had your mellow cats!

  32. klusmanp:

    @MsBannaphone No they LOOOOOVE making videos!! You can see it in the expression on their kitty faces!!

  33. MsBannaphone:

    @klusmanp Your cats are either «Why do you always do this?» or «I don’t really like this..»

  34. vivaslasgayas:

    awkward TJ is awkward LOL

  35. l0ldaya:

    I do this to my cats all the time! =^-^=

  36. juliiasamuelsson:

    poor cats!

  37. cumaeansibyl:

    So that’s where Reginald cat wound up! Hanging out with the soothing sounds of Big Larry. Yay.

  38. shugerplum0000:

    i do this all the time didnt know it was called yodeling…. so FUNNY

  39. andykoehler:


  40. Sylvscats:

    I love Zoey at 5:15 ♥

  41. mileyhannahfanatic:

    I saw this in MUST LOVE CATS

  42. JuliaMaeC:

    At 6:03 my dog also does that!

  43. jrusan19:

    TJ needs a kiss to the face hahah

  44. sharall:

    ok I am loving this somewhat expanded version, But all I can get any of my kitties to do is purr, and purr, and purr, sigh, I have happy kitties. 🙂

  45. The23Claws:

    Kittyyyyyy ^o ^

  46. pandz2:

    this sucks. i have very vicious cat and a fat ass one. cant pick the fiirst one up and the second falls asleep. -.-

  47. kitsune720:

    I hope you guys were mispronouncing the «jodeling» to be funny. >.> I love your videos. xD

  48. StudioAREshorts:

    My cat just meows
    He wont make that yodeling noise

  49. ProcrastinatingGuy:

    with that much kissing, didnt u get any hairballs…?

  50. ProcrastinatingGuy:

    inga’s breasts are soooo…