Kittywood Studios: Cat Videos Incorporated


Awesome special thanks to the guys at Rooster Teeth who lent us their studio and talent for this vid. Subscribe for a new video every two weeks! Twitter: @tehpwnshop
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25 комментариев на “Kittywood Studios: Cat Videos Incorporated”

  1. 0MrFusion0:

    i keep thinking that this is an old video due to on how much weight burnie lost :O

  2. chicanoman2999:

    Drunk tank!!

  3. wasantube:

    LOL witty and funny 🙂

  4. yoniperach:

    prrrr charts killed me!

  5. PiinkBunniie:

    awwwwwww!!! i LOVE MARUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. TheSupersniper117:


  7. ZOMBI3V1DZ:

    Drunk Tan- oh wait, Rooster Teeth!

  8. Hungwongdong:

    Sometimes I forget how much weight Burnie lost.

  9. MrMelmusic:

    Have you considered a full video biography of Schrodinger’s Cat? I’m sure it would be a hit and you and your people have to talent and technology to do it right. You have to think out of the box.

  10. FinnA9X:

    Yeah, but the Catvertising people still could have checked. If they spend 2 minutes searching YouTube they would have seen that someone beat them to the idea

  11. TheRealBenAtkin:

    came here from an imitation. a commenter was kind enough to link me to the real thing!

  12. scottbailey84:

    big guys made me do it!

  13. joshgreen19:

    «15 million hits is all I’m saying Laura»

  14. middeleastmusician:

    @Widgetski and yet, it sucked! ;D

  15. Widgetski:

    @middeleastmusician And yet you watched the video =D

  16. whowhatwhenwatch:

    SMPfilms — mean kitty song — >everything these people have made

  17. MrDiggger:

    Burnie was cuter when he was fat and bearded

  18. phillyvinilli:

    @rapturecase ha ha you’re an elephant seal

  19. rapturecase:

    @phillyvinilli haha you’re an imbecile

  20. middeleastmusician:

    @Soldier773 No life there I see!

  21. godsin520:


  22. Soldier773:

    @middeleastmusician You best be trollin’, bitch.

  23. middeleastmusician:

    wow,grown men with no life

  24. roaminkage:

    @LilMooCow I KNOW RIGHT?!? i would try to get a job there

  25. GanjaMunchman:

    Is this bullshit ? If not, awesome 😀