My cat massaging my dog


This is my cat «puss» and my dog «Captain» doing their daily ritual.
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25 комментариев на “My cat massaging my dog”

  1. rihmoellanz:

    ^^ love it

  2. kennetskyz:

    Im on the weird part of youtube again 😐

  3. MrKaikino:

    Love it

  4. easycheezy:

    me miau you long time

  5. HoppTV:

    The music makes me hungry for Asian cuisine for some reason…..

  6. freeboxforme:

    The music is so nice! What is the title??? Could you tell me it???

  7. switchedonaudrey:

    Who could «dislike» this video? This is amazing! I will show my cat this video and then the dogs can’t complain about them! Music is perfect!!

  8. PalmBeachSOS:

    hahaha I love it ! I want that Kitty 🙂

  9. Chan110428:

    這配樂~讓我笑翻了! 哈哈哈
    I laugh because the music~Awesome !!!

  10. bloozism:

    what the fuck am i watching

  11. lia49:

    Cute, cute, cute!

  12. Alex3454232:

    Soon: 1 million views 😀

  13. 100PercentOJ:

    Someone forgot their rape whistle.

  14. ZG0324:

    音乐配的好啊 感觉像老两口。。。

  15. mimi1234167:

    So lovey. I love black cats.

  16. tamajim1:

    i want this cats!!

  17. 1ointy:


  18. YnMillion:

    Captain puss

  19. galazprietof:

    What’s the name of the song?

  20. TheAussie00:

    So peaceful

  21. atomish111:



  22. DogParkFilms:

    haha how funny!

  23. k7twenty2:

    This is so pleasant and beautiful and everything positive, how could you dislike this video?

  24. La3li:

    hahah awesome! 🙂

  25. Sasek94:

    Check out my dog and cat fighting but still loving each other
