Самые смешные коты и кошки !
iggy investigates an ipad

my cat enjoys the future! Iggy is 6 year old male cat, who has always been exceedingly curious and technologically inclined. the screen is fine! cat’s claws are not as hard as glass. also: don’t declaw your cat! its like lopping off your fingers at the last joint! trim their nails instead Apps: Noby Noby Boy () itunes.apple.com Magic Piano () itunes.apple.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
And here’s what it sounds like if you have your babel fish in your ear translating for you. find me on facebook: www.facebook.com twitter: twitter.com Don’t forget, this is a translation of the original video (with permission!) by TheCatsPyjaaaamas: www.youtube.com And now, a talking Canadian Border Beaver: www.youtube.com puppilove1996’s redo of this video (using Webkinz): www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Oh my god I love cats.
You should install app called ‘Game for Cats’ or something like that its more better
Tweaking hard about the screen being clawed
Stop that! Otherwise cats will evolve to use I-pads and take over the world!
Haha cute : )
fucking spoiled brat iggy with his own ipod. doesn’t he know there is a depression going on?
I love your cat c:
The new Keyboard Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cute~~ :))
If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:
Step 1: Go to the AppStore and search AppRedeem(Android) or AppTrailers(Iphone).
Step 2: Install it and register your account (Note: use same e-mail as PayPal so you can Redeem your money)
Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points
Step 4: Earn Money.
Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!
Sorry bro, but there’s the slight issue of your Step 2 being completely impossible.
@solazulable he probably has a screen protector on his iPad
If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:
Step 1: Go to the AppStore and search AppRedeem(Android) or AppTrailers(Iphone).
Step 2: Install it and register your account (Note: use same e-mail as PayPal so you can Redeem your money)
Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points
Step 4: Earn Money.
Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!
@solazulable if i had a cat that cute and awesome he could scratch the screen all he likes
Cute!! Omg(osh) lol!!! Dan that cat can kick some ass with that panio!! Hee hee
screen is scratch proof ! smart one
If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:
Step 1: Go to the AppStore and search AppRedeem(Android) or AppTrailers(Iphone).
Step 2: Install it and register your account (Note: use same e-mail as PayPal so you can Redeem your money)
Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points
Step 4: Earn Money.
Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!
what game is this?
If you’re afraid of scratches on ur screen, get a screen protector. U barely notice them
How to get millions of views INSTANTLY! :
1. Buy a cat
2. Train him
3. Upload to Youtube
That’s going to void the warranty.
So Cute!
press 4
=DDDDD you are just great! thanks for all of these videos! just terrific!!!!!!
Best cat video on Youtube!
this video is funny
I need the original version, please help me, thank you
Ich brauche die MIAU Version, danke schon im Vorraus
«And here’s what it sounds like if you have your babel fish in your ear translating for you.»
I fucking love you.
That is so freaking cute!
That is so freaking cute!
epic meow 0:31
i znowu wyladowalem w strefie kotow na YT @___@ me gusta
Miaaaw Miaaaw ! Hilarious as F**K !
naa kommt jemand aus berlin
What kind of cats are these 2? They’re so cute!!!!
Meow meow so obvious
Act like a cat JAJAJA
If you use google translate ( cc ) when the white black says : Act real cute and he might give us treats it says akriel cute milk in the streets
@DeathXxBunny Me!!!
Kyk Karate Fail Francois
It’s weird how my profile name is uhhh what it is,and how i’ve been watching cat videos for like an hour now
Thumbs up if it sounds like Laverne and Shirly in the background.