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Klepto Kitty the Cat Burglar

Residents of a California neighborhood say a cat has a habit of stealing items from neighbors. «Dusty» has apparently stolen more than 600 items from his San Mateo neighbors over the years. Some pets leave «presents» for their owners but this cat brings it to the extreme with criminal-like behavior. It’s a good thing he’s so cute.
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The cats at the congress do the same, they are very prolific at stealing.
@sunkissedprincesa He steals things they leave outside on their yards, like drying clothes and stinky shoes XD but maybe he also gets into some houses through the cat doors, who knows. I still think it´s very cute and would forgive him too, if you miss something you just know where to find it
I don’t get why they don’t just lock him up at night. & how is he getting into the neighbors houses to steal stuff??
hahahhaa awesome cat.. so cute <3
err so why not lock it in at night? problem solved!
he is in the TV by RTL xD
international cat

he was in the german Tv too
LOL awesome cat!
Yup. That cat even looks like a thief! Look at the way he stares at the camera! I’d like to see him come back with a bag of cash. That would be a sophisticated cat.
my cat used to steal a lot of things from our neighbors especially underwears and socks, but now she is dead ,I miss her so much
im going to teach my cat how to do this
Let’s get Klepto to Wall Street for a tour at Chase….. and see what happens…?????
I love the night video of him dragging the stuff home!
at first Dusty will steal small stuff like these…the next thing you know he`ll be coming around the neighbourhood with a car, he`ll be coming around the neighbourhood with a car, he`ll be coming with a Lancer,Chevrolet or a Mercades, he`ll be coming around the neighbourhood with a car…yay Dusty…
Thank you
this cat has some serious skill lemme tell ya
@dreamerstays its a snowshoe siamese
Darn, all our cat brings home is dead birds and bunnies.
crazy is as crazy do…
KleptoCat. all i got to say is that.
@nicolelapeyrouse HI!
uh-oh…Ethan thought Dusty`s a girl…
oohh myy ajaja me moriii
AMWF rules bitches!