Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Halloween Cats!

Girls! Sexy cat costumes are very confusing to your pets! Please Like, Favorite, and Subscribe! www.youtube.com Facebook! www.facebook.com Mark’s stuff: youtube.com twitter.com Todd’s Stuff youtube.com www.twitter.com Get the songs on iTunes! itunes.apple.com TShirts! thekeyofawesome.spreadshirt.com Follow us on Twitter http www.twitter.com Write us a letter! The Key of Awesome PO Box 23 New York, NY 10113
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i liked that big pussy
Mark’s voice is SOOOOOOOO Sparrow-like!!!
Tucker max!! Hahah his book was so funny and so wrong
I just came here to hear Mark’s Captain Jack impression :]
lol folkmanis puppets! imma get one on ebay
u must read this. once u started there is no turning back. a little 10 year old girl was raped and murdered in 1945. her body was not found until 1947. then a boy last week read this and did not copy and paste this message. the dead girl disappeared in his room haunting him and killed him. if you u not copy and paste this onto 10 videos in 30 minutes the dead girl will appear in your room tonight and and kill you. well you better start to copy and paste if you want
i’ve never seen cats peeing inside people’s mouths.
Mr. P.: i got the moves like gagger
Mr.P:Bro. These 2 are dressed like cat prostitute.Is it any doubt they desire to make the intercourse with us?»
Fluffington post:Are you sure?
Mr.P:LOOK AT THEM!they are horny like a goat.if we dont act now we loose respect in the women eyes. ITS GO TIME!
(lolz omg i love this video)
«What the hells?» haha awesome
Perfect impression of Jack Sparrow Mark
haha they speak my language RUSSIAIN!!!
@DarkRose91192 and it would be very grose….
great jack sparrow costume!
lol! luv those cats
Thats smosh music !!!
technically if a human ever had sex with a cat it would be extremely painful. Cats put their claws in their partner while mating and they have barbed penises.
I’m not kidding. Look it up.
«After the male ejaculates, the barb retracts.»←Sorry but that is not true. Even after ejaculation the barbs are still there and will rasp on the way out. (I know that because I used to let one of my cats fuck my hand every time he wanted)
«it’s to keep the female from escaping»←More nonsense, the barbs do not stop a queen from moving away.
The barbs are there because the pain stimulate the production of the eggs.
0:36 so cute
i hot those moves like jåger
say hello to my little friend
How did the cats get out of the bathroom if the humans closed the door when they left? O.O