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Christmas at Big Cat Rescue! For grrr-eat gifts visit our giftshop online: www.bigcatrescue.org Happy holidays to all our supporters! Music provided by — Kevin MacLeod Formore info about BIG CAT RESCUE visit: www.bigcatrescue.org Find us on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com MYSPACE: www.myspace.com TWITTER: twitter.com DONATE: www.bigcatrescue.org THANK YOU! If you text TIGER to 20222 *A one-time donation of will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. Standard messaging/data rates may apply. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of the Big Cat Rescue by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at www.mobilecommons.com You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to short code 20222; HELP to 20222 for help.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Roar, meow, growl, purr … !!!CHECK OUT THE RESPONSE VIDEO — Snow Leopard HELLO!!! www.youtube.com Big Cat Rescue is home to over 130 big cats, this means that throughout the day you get to hear many different strange, funny or scary big cat sounds! Take a look at this podcast and listen to some of the sounds that big cats can make, from the cougar squeak to the lions ROAR! For FREE ringtones of these BIG CAT sounds visit: www.myxer.com For more info about BIG CAT RESCUE visit: www.bigcatrescue.org Find us on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com MYSPACE: www.myspace.com TWITTER: twitter.com DONATE: www.bigcatrescue.org THANK YOU!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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thats cute
sooooooo cute
Cheetah: What is this? Oops I dropped it! Now what is in there?
@geminiagr im a whitetiger yo
I wish i could have a white tiger as a pet. Sadly those animals would never be happy living in appartmens…And I don’t want to think what would happen if i forgot their dinner
Anyway thumbs up for you guys for keeping those animals safe , healthy and happy.
These cats all seem pretty happy and so great they get to enjoy the various holidays too!
Cats must really love boxes!! XD
the big cat love the box…..
that’s how your cats gonna celebrate Christmas… lol
its odd but now i look at my cat and these cat’s i see how similar they act… only i don’t want a tiger biting my toes
Don’t mess with that lions present,merry Xmas
Tigers are my faveroute animals
did anyone see that huge brown thing
shoooo i wish i had that Christmas!!!!thumb up if u want that kind of Christmas :O
I like your Cat Channel,
omg that is soooooo adorablez!!
@spazzycat28 Pine branches and cinnamon/catnip
@shewolf51 A black panther is a term used to describe any black individual of any cat species.
@xXFableFanXx Joseph
What were in the boxes?
thts thts ths… so cute!!!!!!!!
so so soooooooooooooooooo cute
I made a piece of enrichment similar to those for the gray wolves at the Minnesota zoo, They tore it pieces in 30 seconds, it took 2 hours to make
Hehehe Yawn~ Them opening the presents is so adorable~
Awww, the cougar sounded like he’s saying «hey»
@jankes83 xD you beat me to it
1:58 okay, i lold. That looks like a retard lama-cat
Lol — they are a whole lot less intimidating when they squeak like that
There’s a huge wildlife reserve island across the chattahoochee from my house, and I hear those bobcats scream all the time kinda like in the video. It’s haunting sometimes, because it can sound like a girl screaming.
2:05 om nom nom nom
@Leafclan99 we have one with a lion laying down trying to catch his own tail, would this work? The video title is «Very Funny BIG CATS!»
I’m looking for some clips of a cat flicking it’s tail to reference an animation I’m working on. Is there any video you know that can help me out with that? Please respond. Thanks.
Omg, that sand cat is adorable!
1:05 Like old door opening
my grandma down in Georgia had a bobcat… it hung from the ceiling and swiped at peoples heads it was a mean little shit and then when it got tired it came and curled up with me WTH!!!!!!!!
The tiger is so cute!!
@ShadowzOfRS one which one…. two…. ready to loose your arm while doing so??? no way in heck are these animals like a domsestic cat… no matter how much they can maybe look like one (sand cat) they are still wild animals….
I wuv the tuger moan!
I mistaken the ocelot for a clouded leopard at first X’D
I about squealed when i saw the clouded leopard OwO
The first one sounds like Angela Gossow
@gogo245 If you visit our website BigCatRescue*org you can find out all the info you need, right now is a great time to apply!
@BlueHyungJoon Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 9/27/96
If I’d had my eyes closed, I would have thought I was listening to goats and chickens…
i find the sound the ocelot made kinda cute why? idk but the sand cat is like the size of a domestic cat
i wanna pet it
??? = om nom nom
When Did Amazing Grace First Arrived