Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Thriller Cat…wait for it.

Saw this video on liveleak and wanted to remix it with thriller in the background. I do not own copyright, but this video is a parody and I believe falls under, Fair Use. Music is by Michael Jackson, Thriller. (C) 1982 MJJ Productions
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The longest domestic cat is Mymains Stewart Gilligan (Stewie to his furr-ends), who is 123 cm (48.5 in) long. He is owned by Robin Hendrickson and Erik Brandsness (USA) and was measured on 28 August 2010. Mymains Stewart Gillligan is a 5 year-old Maine Coon. LIKE us on Facebook: www.facebook.com FOLLOW us on Twitter: twitter.com www.guinnessworldrecords.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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D: I don’t know whether to laugh or cry 😀
@Nemesis0300 No cats just do tht when they feel offended. its just not often u catch it on camera.
I think there is invisible string holding the cat’s upper torso. So when it gets us to walk, the pull the string.. maybe?
That’s so creepy!!!! Lol
And we have lift off!
what the hell???
Uh oh. I’m in that strange part of Youtube again…
sooo funny
How do people always have a camera on hand for the funny things?
@Goldenstorm196 Not just a bit… how is this even anatomically possible…
it’s Igor! really scary… seriously.
LOL — Fuckin hilarious XD
funny shit!
Stop cussing in a comment gz,btw funny vid
@mattfra Are you fucking serious?
That is just… Creepy as hell.
hahahahahahaahhaha muero de risa hahaha
this is EPIC
@mattfra …Thriller
I was actually crying with laughter for like 5 mins straight and i don’t know why!!
what’s the title of this song?
I’m on the strange part of YouTube again
O-o Коооооооооот!
@KaoticVoltage pony u need a fucken life
ниуя не вау. у нас больше кот
That cat obviously ate a viagra
Thats a damn tiger
Thats a damn rat
Your a fucking lier everyone says that they can beat the record so dont lie you fucking scrub
i make it a point to never buy the products on the ads at the beginning of youtube videos. fucking annoying motherfuckers.
i’m pretty sure the cat of a friend of mine is bigger than that
this can’t be a photoshop!!! even bigger than Garfield!!
That is a child…
he is soooo cute ^_^ i want him 🙂
that’s a long cat
its a lion 😀
I for one welcome our new long cat.
Long cat!!!!
Ha, my cat was longer. But he is died.
Looks like you bred a kitty with a lynx
thats one big pussy :3
I love big fat kitties. He’s adorable, big beautiful fluffy tail. Love it.
that cat is so cool i wound spent money just to have him for an hour =D he looks like a lion