Cat Pack


*READ* LAST SCENE 5 is all most done. My computer crashed on me forcing me to take it to get repaired so while it is getting fixed I wanted to make a quick video to stem on my insanity of going cold turkey from video work. I should get my computer back in the next couple of days and can resume work on the Last Scene Part 5 so please sit tight and be patient I putting everything I have into this. Thanks so much for watching! 🙂

No spoilers. The cats recap movies 1 through the first half of part 7 so you don’t have to.

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50 комментариев на “Cat Pack”

  1. 100percentgamer:

    Have you ever tried to microwave a fry? It’s like a big saggy thing of erasers.

  2. PANDaramapeople:

    snack pack=cat pack

  3. Huckluvr13:

    every time i eat a reese’s, i look at my friends all serious and say «i can smell your peanut butter lies from here» then proceed to giggle while they look on ignoring the freak i am..

  4. NickyLovesNyCaps:

    in the end is missing a ‘bagosh’

  5. AnthonyRthegreat:


  6. AnthonyRthegreat:


  7. superemoboyz:

    can i he you? all the girls would love me then!

  8. kittykillerismyname:

    2:17 Starscream is in the ZONE!!!!!

  9. Angierocksification:

    This is amazing

  10. 23Purplecherry:

    I want a bear to hug a sweater on me. :3 But that would be scary. O-o

  11. maddygabison:

    Lawlz!!! I love cats, especially the jerk types that make no sense but are super mean.

  12. SuperNinjanaut:

    lol Lord of the rings referance

  13. Bowin99:

    @MrCoww i know

  14. drewthepunk182:

    I think this is as funny as anything you ever did in balloonshop. Bravo, Olan.

  15. TheAbsta123:


  16. girlikestacos50:

    stare at it maybe download some thoughts

  17. fjdope:

    press 3, Diariah xD

  18. LahvYouhh:

    » i can smell your peanut butter lies from here .. «

  19. TheBadBuffalo:

    Keep pressing 8.

  20. TheBadBuffalo:

    This vid and Cat Cookie are the funniest (and cutest) vids i’ve ever seen!!!!!

  21. 100percentgamer:

    How many packages of candy canes did it take you to make this video?

  22. MrCoww:

    Starscreamn and Gizmo are the best pets ever.

  23. theshychick1:

    frikin.. cutest…. meow… EVARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Madichamp:

    I think we should all agree that Starscream has the best reactions in all of Olan’s videos 🙂 Annnnnnd he should model cat sweaters.

  25. JohnnyJML3:

    OlanRogers is my fucking hero !

  26. sulaman600:

    1:19 FAIL

  27. freezexthexocean:

    I haven’t seen this in months and once it started I began to laugh so hard.

  28. pinkie5963CP:

    6th movie: I DIE! my fav part xD

  29. catcrazy371:

    This is so stupid it’s funny.

  30. Sermoln:

    there is a spoiler, dumbledoor dying 😛

  31. KayRandom0365:

    LOL!!! So funny! I can watch it over and over and it’s still funny!

  32. FixedByDoc:


  33. myusernamenotyourone:

    lol loving this. «goblet, of secrets……»

  34. batgirlsucks:


  35. weirdbunmi:

    there’s a goblet!
    of seeecrets…..
    of fire.
    fire, thats what i meant.

  36. SilverhoodXD:

    thair shound have been a cat snape!

  37. ldrocks66:

    my brother had to walk in the room right when hermione kitty said «i have a VAGINA.»

    …that was awkward, to say the least -_-

  38. Lundvalnaden:

    voldemort had nose in 1st movie… at least what was of him…

  39. syverudsm13:

    A Chinese girl put her tongue on my tongue

  40. Magert4eva:

    This wierd gay dwarf fellow whos in love with me dies.

  41. RandomGirl2481:

    i have a vagina!

  42. KimandLiza12and1:

    Ron Cat: Shes hot so I become a sexy stalker

    Harry Cat: This weird gay dwarf fellow whos in love with me dies.


  43. InvincibleIronGirl:

    125 people are noseless dooshbags

  44. jameroo3498:

    «i die!»

  45. fischerpilne:

    Brilliant!! Hilarious!!! MeeeeeYOWW!!

  46. haikutheoneandonly:

    i have red hair!
    i have a vagina!

  47. ldrocks66:

    voldemort had a nose in the first movie lol. BUT THIS IS SO AWESOME

  48. slipperynachos:

    lolz, Dobby cat is ugly. luv da real dobby tho, RIP Dobby -3

  49. snakebytes323:

    harry: theres a goblet…..
    ron: ooooof seeeecrets….
    harry: of fire…
    ron: of fire thats what i meant..

    made me laugh soooooo much!!!

  50. snakebytes323: