
Included in the original London production, this ballad was omitted from Broadway shows. D’ya think I could find a recording of it anywhere?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cats and Cats the Best Animals on Light Коты и Кошки лучшие животные на свете
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. shumbashaba:

    Hello. Yes, this is in (what I call) the dream scene. Gus reminisces on the days on the barge and his flirting with Griddlebone. Billy McCaw was in the London production but when the show moved to Broadway the producers thought a more showy piece was needed and so «In Una tepida notte» was chosen to replace it.

  2. CosplayCore:

    So was this supposed to be a part of Growltiger’s Last Stand, or is it on it’s own? This is the first time I’ve heard this song, despite being a really obsessive CATS fan for about a year or two.

  3. Jokerman665:

    I know it’s Cats and there’s not real narrative, but this song doesn’t make any damn sense!
    1. Gus just had his sad «those were the days ‘singing-directly-to-the-audience» song, and then imagines that he’s back playing Growltiger again. And then he has another «singing-directly-to-the-audience» song as Growltiger!
    2. It’s set up «as the lovers sang their last duet» implies a passionate love song, but then they just go on about a Parrot!
    This is the most idiotic song in the show!

  4. Disneydanny:

    @charlesajones77 you are in luck. I was reading a newsapaper article on the National Tour anit sounds like next year in celebration of the show’s 30th anniversary th tour will bring back several elements that haven’t been seen since the show closed on Broadway, and will also *possibly* introduce Americans to «Billy Mccaw»

  5. RevolErtaeht:

    You did a great job playing the part, you sound like the original Growltiger.

  6. Marcieb21:

    @littlesongbird1 unfortunately I don’t. I wish i did though, it was so much fun to do!

  7. littlesongbird1:

    @supergrl459 Awww…do you have any vids of your production?

  8. littlesongbird1:

    @shumbashaba Great job. I had heard a rumor that more productions were using this instead of the madam butter fly parody. (I heard Webber liked the ballad better)

  9. JKrowlingrockx:

    you mean this wasn’t sung as a duet with Growltiger and Grittlebones? that is how i imagined it. or was this you being original? cause either way, great job! «make us order, more beer. haha» LOL

  10. davidmichaelpascucci:

    The full version of this song in on the Original London Cast Recording 2-disc cd set. This is the song I would listen to over and over again. Nice to see other people appreciate this song as well.

  11. davidmichaelpascucci:

    The full version of this song in on the Original London Cast Recording 2-disc cd set. This is the song I would listen to over and over again. Nice to see other people appreciate this song as well.

  12. shumbashaba:

    @charlesajones77 Hey thanks! Made my day. At the mo’ we’re rehearsing ‘The Wedding Singer», and next year we’re planning to do Les Miserables. Lots of fun.

  13. charlesajones77:

    This is quite possibly my favorite piece from Cats. I wish this song hadn’t been replaced by that Italian aria (although I can understand why they did so, I still prefer this version).

    Anyway, really great performance. I sing bass, so I can’t sing this song worth a damn. I wish I could though (I can sing it an octave lower if that counts for anything).

    Long story short, you did a great job. 5 stars from me.

  14. SquealingBladder:

    Wow! This has to be the best Bill McCaw performance I’ve heard! I love your voice 🙂

  15. rerevisionist:

    Thanks for this! I couldn’t find it anywhere, but I thought it was one of the best songs in Cats — nice evocation of a pub with interesting landlady

  16. shumbashaba:

    Thanks, Ben. I couldn’t reach it in rehersals but with the tension of the show plus giving it all in the other numbers my voice just made it. Have a great show!

  17. zerotothe5th:

    Nice job hitting that high G# (multiple times). I’m singing this part in our high school production and I’m a bit worried about the high note hahaha 🙂 Very nice performance.

  18. shumbashaba:

    Thanks! It was in New South Wales, Australia, in 2008.

  19. MagicWorldPro:

    Finding this makes me extremely happy.
    This is truly awesome, when and where was this production?
    I would have loved to have seen it.

  20. shumbashaba:

    Gee, thanks. { hic :] !

  21. shumbashaba:

    Thank you. You’ve made my day!

  22. swemsickle:

    What I really love about this is the authenticity. It really is amazing, you actually manage to sound like a drunk cat. Wow. Well Done.

  23. eatchewinggumonapc:

    The way you repeatedly say «order…more beer!», even when everyone else is trying to sing it is wonderful and really makes the song.

    I’ve always thought that the original production lacked that certain robotic pantomime element, which is beautifully incorporated here. My hats off to you all.

  24. MajikalX:

    oh gosh shumbashaba, you sang this? your voice is really really good! 😀 better even, perhaps, than the original london cast recording. oh this sounds absolutely lovely.

  25. shumbashaba:

    Hello, and Thank you! Yup, that’s me singing. One of my finest moments, too. This year we did ‘Beauty and the Best’ and I was Monsieur d’Arque. For a small town we put on a show to be proud of!

  26. juggernaut859:

    Это кот из фильма Я Робот )

  27. zeltokk:

    ржака! 🙂

  28. papakastet:

    ХА ХА ХА!!!

  29. TheKlever666:


  30. xAMKxx:


  31. JanikaKraven:

    котэ начинающий драматический актёр =)

  32. Kaskanator007:

    oxyet ja baldeyu.

  33. Mafia666100:


  34. na0igle:

    ути, маковка)))

  35. na0igle:

    ути, маковка)))))

  36. MrBODYAS:


  37. EvilMisha:


  38. Gereification:
