Nyan Nya Orange (Nyan Cat SPOOF)


ORIGINAL NYAN CAT VIDEO: www.youtube.com iPHONE & iPOD GAME: bit.ly TSHIRTS: bit.ly TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com FACEBOOK APP: apps.facebook.com DAILYBOOTH: dailybooth.com WATCH MY EPISODES! www.youtube.com CREATED by DANEBOE: youtube.com
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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25 комментариев на “Nyan Nya Orange (Nyan Cat SPOOF)”

  1. JesusPaid4You:

    @hec225 God loves you, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only way to Him. Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the 3rd day so that whoever believes in Him will be saved and will have eternal life in Heaven. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in faith. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved,” — Acts 16:31

  2. hec225:

    @cskalle1213 how do you do Thatcher

  3. hec225:


  4. DEMMY39:

    Shop da woop

  5. TheHert6615:

    Remember when you could watch a video without commercial?
    Remember when music videos were uploaded by user and not VEVO
    Remember when all the info was to the right of the video?
    Remember you could rate a video 1-5 stars?
    Remember the famous yellow subscribe button?
    Remember when the users controlled the site and not corporations?
    Post this in every video and lets start a youtube revolution!
    Thumbs up 2 keep at the top of the page!

  6. JudasDrankTears:


  7. Forzalover231:


  8. torilovesu56:

    hey marshmello wfinally found a unicorn!

  9. MRanrgybirds:


  10. cskalle1213:

    ____━━____━━╰O-O—-O-O WHY U REPLACE MEEEEEEEH

  11. boscospo:

    ANNOYING CORNER KICK /watch?v=mNj2Tsu8i-o

  12. florietoon:

    I like the marshmallow.

  13. MasonMask:

    what’s with the dislike? It’s a spoof video

  14. jamesroxyful:

    this is so funny

  15. Decbaas19:


  16. 730Teresa730:

    lol thumbs up for unicorn shuffle

  17. 730Teresa730:

    @2020snake they did

  18. 08posdom:

    @freakout876 um maybe if the channel owner wasnt a greedy fuck and didnt click enable ads for monthly pay checks, ads are put on your video with YOUR OWN permission.

  19. ionicapeste69:

    If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:

    Step 1: Go to the AppStore and search AppRedeem(Android) or AppTrailers(Iphone).

    Step 2: Install it and register your account (Note: use same e-mail as PayPal so you can Redeem your money)

    Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points

    Step 4: Earn Money.

    Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!

  20. ZorusOfficial:

    yay~ weeeeeeee~

  21. lj90901:


  22. YourEvilHeroz:

    17 thumbs up and i’ll throw a spit ball at my teacher

    35 thumbs up and i’ll silly string my teacher

    55 thumbs up and i’ll throw an egg at my teacher

    80 thumbs up and i’ll throw a baby doll at my teacher

    I’ll record whatever I do, and post it to youtube. I’ll check back here soon!

  23. TheTandeantanzil:

    That’s so simple video….!!

  24. madmika2000:

    thumbs up for unicorn shuffle

  25. ionicapeste69:

    If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:

    Step 1: Go to the AppStore and search AppRedeem(Android) or AppTrailers(Iphone).

    Step 2: Install it and register your account (Note: use same e-mail as PayPal so you can Redeem your money)

    Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points

    Step 4: Earn Money.

    Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!