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Reenactment (with cats): Princess Bride

I’m a big fan of Brandon Hardesty. I’ve always wanted to do a reenactment similar to his fantastic work, but with cats (of course). Presenting the «Miracle Max» scene from the Princess Bride. Cast: (in order of appearance) Miracle Max: Paul Klusman + wig Inigo Montoya: Paul Klusman + different wig Fezzik: Zoey Cat + afro wig Westley, The Man in Black: Oscar Cat Valerie: Ginger Cat + small wig Miracle Pill: TJ Wingard Director of Photography: Ryan Rhan photo.ryanrahn.com Production assistant: Corina «Corina Corina» Tillman FYI here is the original: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Tj is the pill!!!! Lol
OMG «The Princess Bride» is on of my favorite movies!!! Your Indigo was spot on!!! Thanks for sharing this! =)
@elinorvonzahm The original is VERY good — this scene in particular. To be honest I don’t think I quite hit the mark on this one. Not a bad attempt on my part, but the original does not suffer in comparison to my version at all. Please watch the original if you get a chance. There is like, a 98.5% chance that you will love it.
‘Liaaarrrr!’ And the Oscar (pun intended) goes to Ginger! For her riveting portrayal of …whoever that was, I never saw the movie and now if I did the original would suffer by comparison.
You got Miracle Max’s accent down pretty well. XD
army of darkness + cats.
Love this movie and such a cute vid! Hahaha good times
Ah!! You guys are so much fun!! My cat and I love your videos!!
Is it bad that I could quote this entire scene along with the video? =D
I. Love. This.
Are you old?
Paul, that was amazing. It is campy, but has such palpable love and warmth! It makes you happy, making these videos, doesn’t it? It sure looks that way. I’m watching your videos with my own cats, here in Florianopolis, Brazil.
@klusmanp I watched the princess bride, So funny and I first learned about the movie from you.
I did this all the time w/ my siblings with princess bride!!! Great job!
Omg this is a awesome vid. I love that movie
Tuna is only part of it. You can tell that man loves those cats with all his heart, so they tolerate his silliness. They know on some level that they’re helping their loving owner with his sillines.
3:54 Best, moment, ever. ho-HO! :3 -clicks heels-
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do the marriage scene!!!
I love the fact that TJ is a miracle pill.
a TRUE work of art!
This is what Jon Arbuckle would be doing in real life.
Oh good lord «Fezzik», I nearly died of laughter!
@klusmanp Hey, cats are shamelessly bribable. Can o’ tuna, oz of catnip — the cat is your slave.