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Winter Birds — Entertainment for Cats

When it snows I feed the birds on the ledge outside my kitchen window. I placed my Flip video camera on the ledge to see what I could capture. My cats enjoy watching and listening to the chirping. I hope your cats enjoy it too. I’d love to see videos of your cats watching my video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Sylvester the talking kitty cat and Shelby the Black Lab puppy welcome home their new family member! A cute kitten called Gibson! And by welcome, they mean torture.. hrssk16
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My cats Both loved this! they sat through the whole thing, one even took a swipe at a bird. AMAZING video thanks!
My cat watched the WHOLE THING
she thought it was real and sniffed the screen !
Thanks so much! Im going to post a video response of her reaction!
my cat just loved this! we just moved from a house to a 6th floor apartment and she misses looking at the critters outside through the windows. although now shes got her ass parked on the desk in front of the screen so i guess she found different «windows» to look at.
my cat was so interested. she did not take her eyes off the screen the WHOLE TIME!!
My cat went crazy pawing the screen! Thanks!
Very nice video and we also love the birds! Take a look at our birds in Holland at: janvandenhardenberg.weebly.com!
Greetings from Holland, Jan!!
My cats were trying to come through the screen!
my cats absolutely love this video..their most favorite on my kitty playlist. thank you for sooo many laughs and entertainment
2 paws up from Jewels ^..^
the cardinals are so beautiful I’m inspired to get a bird cam now!
4 dislikes? Really?
My «Stormy» rates it Two Paws Up. Thanks!
My cat was sitting nicely on my lap when I read @CODblackops4056 ‘s comment, laughed and it scared him away lol
Thank you!! My cat loved this video — there aren’t any good bird «hunting» spots around here in the winter. And may I also say, what great footage!! I’ve never seen a Cardinal’s face so entertained. My 3 legged 17 year old cat loved it, and so did I
My cat loves this video. Thanks for entertaining him.
this is like POV for cats lol
My cats loved it! One of them kept looking behind the laptop screen to s ee where they went. Her pupils kept changing size getting real big when a bird looked closer. They pawed at the screen. LOL
Haa. Great vid.
Thank you so much for that video. My cat needed some new stimulation and I had read about showing videos to cats. Hugo watched it twice while I watched him and I have never laughed so hard in my life. This is the best. Thank you again. A new playlist has been added to my youtube just for Hugo and this one is number one.
I posted a video of my cat watching this video on my youtube profile. He LOVES this video.
My cat keeps looking at the WoW ad next to the video lolol
My cat has been snuggled up next to me watching this attentively, she’s actually tried to lung for the screen a few times! I think she’s getting annoyed that I keep taking it off full screen to check messages.
My cat loves your video. Thanks for posting!!
@rachelflax1963 Mine agrees with your cat.
@phbristol My 6-months-old Dorothy the Siamese was also very interested in the birds in the right bottom corner of the video. She paid attention to them more than the other birds and even put her paw on the screen several times to catch them.
Can I use this as a guide to all the things NOT to do when you bring a new cat home? Always have a carrier in the car, to protect and relax the cat. Place the carrier in a separate room away from other pets. Even when the cat leaves the carrier, don’t take out the box, the cat may want to return to it if scared. Slowly allow the new cat to experience the other pets (see through or «smell» through doors best). Never yell at your animals. The little cat was scared out of his wits. Yeah cute
Love Sylvester’s personality! XD And the new kitty is so cute.
Steve: its gonna be all right kitty-
Sylvester: I’ll kill you!
I’ll kill you =¤.¤=
What a great welcome home… lol
@SoJustCool Not quite. In human terms what happened was Gibson started frowning, lowering his chin and almost making a fist. Sylvester took a step back and pointed his finger at Gibson, puffed out his chest and reminded Gibson that he’s a 6 foot 6 bouncer.
In cat terms Gibson is a bit cocky but fearful. He pulled his ears back, but to the side. That’s a combination of fear/aggression in a cat and Sylvester knew this and reacted accordingly, but Sylvester also stepped back to avoid conflict.
«Hey, hey! Stop the weird ,kitty noises!» LOL!
Thumbs up if you want a Sylvester album so Steve can see this!
Sylvester: I’ll kill you!
Steve: Hey! Get out of here!
Lol that was sooooo funny!!!
that was so funny when the black cat was all like i,ll kill you!
oh my god they look so simukler to my cats E.C. and Merry but unlike these cats they are really, really close.
@SoJustCool ur right thiz is my big brothers page he has a cat name Quintin hes best friend is my dog gizmo yes u r right thats true
u should of gotten a female cat
ill kill you ET OUT OF HERE
L.O.L I’ll Kill You !!
ROFL, LOL, LMAO ‘I’m Gonna Kill You’
check my video called »my sweet baby mommy will always love you» and you will see there brother of Gibson. that’s why i asked you what breed is your new cat!
please tell me what breed of cat is Gibson? waiting for a replay……
I’ll kill you
whos the chick?
i gonna kill you!!!!!!!!
AWWWWWWWWWWWW omfg poor kitty if u look at 2:01
☻cute and funny