The Cat Attacks The Rottweiler!!!


xD yeah yeah WTF! xD
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25 комментариев на “The Cat Attacks The Rottweiler!!!”

  1. TheLahness:

    @greg5372 It depends on the dog really, a dog that’s territorial will destroy a cat easily. Think Spanish Mastiff, or English Mastiff, no way a cat could take on one of those.

  2. greg5372:

    Cats can be very territorial. My cat took out a fully grown fox terrier once. I mean shredded this thing. It needed counselling afterwards LOL. Now I’m trying to train it to kill the next door neighbour dog that won’t stop barking! I don’t hate dogs but I frigging hate dog owners.

  3. MrDman729:

    Don,t kick the cat?!!! WTF

  4. SuperDvd100:

    Three fucking dogs killed my lovely cat!!!This cat is an hero!!!Long life to the cat!!!The dog have to hide away!!!I don’t like dogs!!!They are more cruel than cats!!!

  5. Raiderhater1013:

    @chadcoreyslater If you really looked at the video the cat was not kicked, the guys used their feet to push it out of it’s way. The cat kept trying to shred up a dog that did nothing to it! Did you see how scared and cowed that poor dog was from that evil cat? (I do like cats but not this one).

  6. xxoncenothingxx:

    haha man this happened to my dog and she’s a pit bull she was attacked by my bombay cat my dog was minding her own business when my mother’s cat comes running towards her and scratches her nose cats are very messed up

  7. modelhorsecollector1:

    did the dog get hurt?

  8. hoaiphuongll:

    @ryvand your think as stupid dog

  9. elimacfly1:

    @vallulla Was that a rottweiler? Looked like a pussy to me.

  10. Scar666Ali:

    cat and a child, not the same you stupid idiot.

  11. ryvandyagami:

    Cat Ninja xD

  12. vallulla:

    if the man didnt kick the cat rottweiler would eaten the cat up.

  13. mirekpl6:

    Prawdziwy ninja!

  14. malibouchix:

    I like how that lady is consoling that dog… ridiculous. Freakin baby.

  15. angusbarron:

    The rottweiler is a pussy.

  16. valentich1:

    hahahaha cool :)))))

  17. Treefork:

    Well her Rottweiler is broken, time to return it or get it repaired.

  18. joejoebud:

    and the old pop keeps kicking the cat like a retarded drug wacko..soon the cat will attack him!

  19. selcuk32adana:

    cats in Turkey are hardass survivers…not the same as pussy cats in europe or america..

  20. oliviaboo2000:


  21. mucrim1:

    in Turkiye

  22. 00YsoSerious00:

    kicking a cat is mean

  23. CASSOgreek:

    @Jdaniel314 i agree with you a lot actually but if you know how to handle a cat properly you wouldnt get hurt from it!yeah its pissed but still if he is such a wuss that he cant even pick a cat up well he shouldnt havnt kicked it in the first place!!!

  24. xanitaXbillx:

    @Jdaniel314 i have been working at a vet and the vet and all the assistants where scared and grabbed the cats with a biting glove. i just stick my hands in there and quickly grab the cats. yeah sure u get little scratchis maybe. but i never got really hurt. you just have to know how to pick them up. don’t ever kick a cat. he can easely brake bones or get internal bleedings. its so sad.

  25. wiper42:

    in real world… attacks dog… on one, whatever size…