Nice recovery! I wonder if that was something they had figured out how to do beforehand, or if it was just an example of ingenuity at work? I’m guessing a bit of both…they did have those long traction planks, but I’m thinking they were intended for less extreme circumstances.
@TheGoatdriver The original song was from Kraftwerk and the title was Autobahn.From the 1974 Autobahn album.It’s a very long song,I just mixed together the instrumental parts of it.
The shot at 3.42 looks like Observation Hill at McMurdo Station on Ross island, Antarctica. Named by Scott. I have climbed this for the inspirational view many times whilst I worked at Scott Base, the NZ Base. This is where the TAE finished the crossing of Antarctica. Sir Ed (Edmund Hillary, 1st summiter of Mt Everest) set out the depots of fuel for Bunny Fuchs and the TAE and then decided to carry on to the South Pole. He used tiny English Ferguson tractors modified with tracks..
There is one of these Trans Antarctica Expedition Tuckers at the Christchurch Museum, New Zealand. I looked at it often as a kid, so it is nice to see them in action with the tracks pivoting.
I was at the Tucker factory in 1977 and they had one of the machines from this expedition in a shed. The Brits left the others there but brought one back and gave it back to Tucker. Tons of wear on it — tough trip.
Nice recovery! I wonder if that was something they had figured out how to do beforehand, or if it was just an example of ingenuity at work? I’m guessing a bit of both…they did have those long traction planks, but I’m thinking they were intended for less extreme circumstances.
Thank you..
I would be abandoning the cat at 2:00
«yeah we fell in a crack. no big deal» lolololol
I have that album on cassette somewhere
@TheGoatdriver The original song was from Kraftwerk and the title was Autobahn.From the 1974 Autobahn album.It’s a very long song,I just mixed together the instrumental parts of it.
Where do you find the older song in the version that was on here because I cant find it anywhere
The original music was way better
Awesome video from a time gone past, thanks so much for sharing.
@Istvan731102 Thank you
@cockmasterZ The band is Kraftwerk and the tilte of the song is Autobahn from the original 1974 album.
@Istvan731102 Oh okay then. Btw can you tell me what the name of the song was?
@cockmasterZ Yeah,I know
. I just thought that I better replace it,before I get into trouble using copyrighted stuff.
What happened to the music?!?!?!?!?
oh noes the planet no nomed the hell out of that sno cat 0:48 — 1:13
A few of these on the M80 in Scotland a few days ago would have been handy.
The one at the Christchurch museum is one of the ones featured in this video from the Antartic Expedition.
ohh, i want to be there…
Saluting English explorer Sir Vivian Fuchs. No Snow Too Deep, No Road Too Steep. Just amazing!
Was that story not featured in National Geographic many years ago??
The shot at 3.42 looks like Observation Hill at McMurdo Station on Ross island, Antarctica. Named by Scott. I have climbed this for the inspirational view many times whilst I worked at Scott Base, the NZ Base. This is where the TAE finished the crossing of Antarctica. Sir Ed (Edmund Hillary, 1st summiter of Mt Everest) set out the depots of fuel for Bunny Fuchs and the TAE and then decided to carry on to the South Pole. He used tiny English Ferguson tractors modified with tracks..
There is one of these Trans Antarctica Expedition Tuckers at the Christchurch Museum, New Zealand. I looked at it often as a kid, so it is nice to see them in action with the tracks pivoting.
I was at the Tucker factory in 1977 and they had one of the machines from this expedition in a shed. The Brits left the others there but brought one back and gave it back to Tucker. Tons of wear on it — tough trip.
are you talking about the museum in vista? i know they have one
funniest thing everrr!
Кот увидел голого Джигурду
it gets me every time so funny
Alex Sparrow posted this on vkontakte :)))))))))))
Что ему такого показали??Даже интересно
Это то видео, над которым я смеюсь каждый раз как смотрю до слёз))))))Смешнее ничего не видела))
Dracula cat
@MegaXaShow у тебя наверно никогда кота не было, они и не такое могу, эти создания уникальны…)
Кот, мы тебя помним!
@STRNG0 Тогда почему у него у него так спина гнется, видно что его поднимают
«535 people eto gna poktrop plepp ktragdapppp bla…» what the hell did those people do?!?!
qute:) Videogame Battle Suit @ Bey-Tech com
Забавный котя.Видос не фэйк.У кореша кошак тоже так ходил.
его под Хабаровском видели, говорят все так же идет
@MegaXaShow нету там никакой лески!
@Ric4562 Как бы из-за этого в темном переулке не прибили))
@MegaXaShow хаха)) ты это скажи 12милллионам людей))
(lol) that is a good one
Да это фейк, там леска видна…
Поздравляю кота с 11миллионами!Ты народное достояние!