Appetite for Distraction: iPad Apps for Cats


Mark and Johnny take a look at Quiz Climber, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Allied Star Police, and see how cats like the iPad.
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25 комментариев на “Appetite for Distraction: iPad Apps for Cats”

  1. kirstyargyle2011:

    Free ipad!!!!if you want a free ipad than check my channel we are givingaway free ipad for promotion but this offer may not be long. so go now!

  2. Jeanine8Dalton4829:

    If any person has an interest to get an ipad 3 before it hits the shelves you can apply to become a tester, I did that a couple of weeks ago and just received my shipping confirmation this morning! iPad3Tester.Co.Cc

  3. gulopilokas:

    Great site with an iPad 2 to win: goo.gl8ONjl

  4. jonnynapier:

    Nice look at quiz climber 🙂

  5. DizastrousChezzraa34:

    Rage Quit xD

  6. kirielvids:

    i liked the lazer app where the cat was like HOLY SHIT A LAZER! fuck that…

  7. passionfearmisery:

    @IrishGamer360 yeah? thats cool. I think we have it out here in the us too, I was just unaware at the time…

  8. warehead:

    wtf i thought it was GNR SECOND ALBUM

  9. axeldolma:

    future toys for my kitty yeah! perfect great

  10. coolboy265:

    I hope guns n roses sue you.

  11. CyC10n345:

    about as weird as allowing it on your laptop.

  12. BeerTimeGaming:

    @bedroom58 Except a lot of people have their cats de-clawed.

  13. BeerTimeGaming:

    Reminds me of Sent You a Message, that gaming news show with those 2 British dudes on the Xbox Live marketplace.

  14. bedroom58:

    here’s an idea let’s make some apps for cats so they can scratch the fuck out of the screen. mint.

  15. bedroom58:

    johnny short arse, useless bastard.

  16. ricemaster2008:

    Gotta love the dry English humour. Great video, Gamespot!

    Veggie449 is right, please make more videos like this!

  17. delameu:

    less ads please

  18. ryanjacko1:

    I thought this said appetite for destruction, im too addicted to Guns and Roses xD

  19. Gormeister:

    adverts you cant skip!!! WTF 😐

  20. MrFernuti:

    Bobbi: rage quit <---- LOL

  21. zXJulianXz:


  22. Veggie449:

    Gamespot should make more videos like this :3

  23. Pawzwars:

    Aww, cats :3

  24. DepletedUranium1:

    those cats made my day.

  25. IrishGamer360:

    @passionfearmisery We have it here in Ireland…