One Way Wind


The Cats
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to make a cute origami cat. Designed by Jo Nakashima. Difficulty level: low intermediate There are little improvements to this model: — the face now doesn’t have the problem with the separated layer (little change) — little change when shaping the body *neko (猫) means «cat», in japanese 😀 Follow me on Facebook:
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50 комментариев на “One Way Wind”

  1. poop1952:

    ja echt wel kon ik maar even terug in de tijd met mijn lange haren
    ik kijk nu tegen mijn grijze haren aan
    de groetjes peter

  2. canalman:

    @poop1952 >>>>>>>1972

  3. dreamdriver59:

    mooiste nummer aller tijden.

  4. catsclanner:

    There are more than 108 covers of this song, but the original from The Cats is absolutely the best performance ever. It was a huge hit in the early seventies in Europe. The Cats scored 36 hits in the dutch Top 40.
    The Cats came from the village Volendam in the Netherlands. They scored 5 number one hit in Holland, but One Way Wind was a top 3 hit. The songs LEA, WHY, MARIAN, WHERE HAVE I BEEN WRONG and BE MY DAY were the number one hits in Holland. For information, GOOGLE: cats + volendam

  5. poop1952:

    @thiesjaarsma ik denk 1970

  6. Tommiboy193:

    Das Lied ist einfach wunderschön!

  7. millhill46:

    Lovely music and a nice of time i have when this music came out.

  8. McKingstarr:

    die musik ist blöd

  9. Schlagerschnulzen:

    Finde die englische und die deutsche Version gleichermaßen gut. nice Song

  10. Schlagerschnulzen:

    Finde ich die englische und die deutsche Version gleichermaßen gut. nice Song

  11. ollie253:

    No, we call this «palingsound» :-p

  12. thiesjaarsma:

    Zalige plaat. Is dit nog uit de jaren ’60, of 1970? Hoe dan ook, thanks voor het uploaden.

  13. HighlanderWeert:

    @musiksound het is palingpop!! and it is called not coaled , dik!! lol

  14. 02otto002:

    @musiksound Hallo, remember Radio Veronica…a nice time…all the best otto

  15. telefoondokter:

    leuk he, even back in time….

  16. Sthefan:

    What a great tune. Never heard it before.

  17. williamlionking:

    prachtige muziek, even weer bij komen, het leven vliegt soms door.

  18. Kluif100:

    You can thank the UK Broadcasting for that, because, as Cliff Richard once said: ‘We in England are so very, very bad, because we don’t allow foreighn acts in our country.
    There you go!

  19. repa49:

    Thank you so much for uploading this song. It is just unbelievable lovely. I heard it very often in my youth but it has become much better in the meantime … it has touched me deep within — it aktuelly made me shiver.
    love Renate from Germany

  20. 888biggi:

    eines der ganz großen Lieder!!!!

  21. profdezik:

    wonderlijk, veel herrineringen….. wanneer ga je Soledad met de gitaar solo ann het einde, zetten hier?
    danke je voor deze zong

  22. malilebu1303621:

    he looks like Jesus, with a fact they all do..

  23. MrHeineken1983:

    @musiksound palingsound zul je bedoelen

  24. SmileyBiene:

    Nur schön:)

  25. catsclanner:


    You can find everything about The Cats via google: cats + volendam

  26. MrsLuvful:

    Hey, I’m human, you’re human too. I can eat, you can eat too. But there’s a difference between us: I can talk, why can’t you??

  27. MrsLuvful:


  28. tarek12mig:

    i love 猫!!

  29. navegamadrid:

    looks more like a dog to me tho..

  30. DoCWaSaBe:

    If I made one, it would require immediate medical attention

  31. rayonismvideos:

    i think it should be clarified that if you try to make this with ordinary printer paper then it isn’t going to be easy or look good.

    This is a special type of paper, a bit more like that thicker shinny wrapping paper you can get nowadays, the fibbers of which are more durable than normal paper. Its both stiffer and more malleable and worth investing in if you’re trying to make this kind of origami.

    Or you can also use the foil-paper layer of a kitkat wrapper or any chocolate wrapper like it.

  32. xXPandaUkeXx:

    umm your hands get in the way a lot.

  33. AAimyep:

    My weak cheap paper died so hard while I tried to flatten the back.. maybe I will try find something nicer like whats the guy used? or perhaps I will try again with the same shit right now.. yes… this is what I’ll do first

  34. T3rminat0r1E:

    thumbs up if your kitty did a back flip XD

  35. T3rminat0r1E:

    meow meow!

  36. drummerboy764:

    the last one with the feet OMG dont get it xD

  37. kittens376:

    ohhhhhh shoot! any idea’s to sort out the tail? i got to teh reverse tail and i cant put it back 🙁

  38. goodfanfananime:

    kawaii cat

  39. kittens376:

    im still making mine. peice of advice. : DONT USE NORML PAPER 🙂

  40. PancakesOragami:

    I honestly cannot understand why anyone would have trouble with this.I was able to make it just fine with a regular 15 cm X 15 cm piece of kami paper.You people are weird……

  41. origamimaters:

    it is kind of hard

  42. NoRatsHere:

    Arg!!! It’s so hard!!! I can’t get the back part right…

  43. imsocoolilke:

    I messed up at the ears

  44. angrylinsey:

    so using origami paper start with the wite side up?

  45. maplelove1422:

    people will think it the same cat from the video if i don’t show them the video
    it look like a ally cat

  46. amii123ful:

    looks hard

  47. Ahornsirup1:

    Waow =D I made a crippled cat :::3

  48. T3rminat0r1E:

    i failed

  49. fredandsalem:

    my cat is fat:P

  50. snowwhite1709:

    @sr123ification hell, sorry for not everyone being as «pro» as you are then… nice that your mommy has already trained you.