Nintendogs + Cats Review 3DS


Nintendogs plus cats video review, featuring Kwife. Miyamoto is at it again with the popular Nintendogs, although this time cute cats are added into the mix? But is this games cuteness enough to own? Watch our Review to find out. My band’s Album —
Video Rating: 4 / 5

RingTales is proud to present Cat Dog Stoop, a new original animated cartoon created by New Yorker Cartoonist, Isaac LittleJohn Eddy. The cottage industry
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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30 комментариев на “Nintendogs + Cats Review 3DS”

  1. thenamesmillie:

    love this review!:)

  2. cc08121997:

    I’m getting toy poodle and new friends LOL!!! :]

  3. Themastercode1235:

    @IHeartGod123 Um… No of course it dosent. But you CAN play ds games on 3DS.

  4. Kirbyguy12345:

    Kwife review>ign review more games kwife!

  5. TheBoyOfBroadway:


  6. jujub33ns:

    @Summercatxo I believe her dog was a Shiba Inu, not a Husky.

  7. blackbaron987:

    @IHeartGod123 No, it will not work on a dsi. This is a 3ds only game and they designed the game card so it wouldn’t fit in a ds or dsi system

  8. xXMissWolfgirlXx:

    I reallly want this game.
    but i dont have a Nintendo 3DS 🙁

  9. Ilovemydogiris:

    yeah so cool but i pefer the labs more……yay labs!

  10. Summercatxo:

    best. review. EVER!!!! i totally agree with u. cats on there are soooo cute!! and ur husky, was it red?? if it was, cute!!

  11. IHeartGod123:

    Umm..Quick question. Does «Nintendogs + cats» still work if you have dsi?? PLEASE respond!! I know that it’s not going to be 3D though.

  12. IHeartGod123:

    Umm..Quick question. Does «Nintendogs + cats» still work if you have dsi?? PLEASE respond!!

  13. BMTstudio123:

    im not allowed a dog because of two reasons
    im slightly scared and weary of them
    and i wont be able to look after it while im at school
    But people keep telling me that they recommend this game to people who want a dog, soooo im gonna get it for christmas

  14. biospherearcadia:

    @Zeldalover12100 No

  15. Zeldalover12100:

    Do the dogs grow to their adult shape?

  16. riahsmith123:

    25 breeds?? its 27

  17. lyricsmaker102:

    I love this game!…And well I have a maltese in the game and she keeps getting 3rd and second place in competitions she sucks at the disc one LOL still there cute and yeah the cats are expensive

  18. HTsuna27X:

    KWING is the best reviewer along with WiiFolderJosh because they have made their points before they criticize, IGN has been giving low points to nintendo, and i never really liked them anyway

  19. BellaSaraBeara:

    dam i wish i had more money but thing is ugh okay buy a 3DS just for this one $40 game IDK yet if it’s worth it i rather win the 3DS or wait for a XL if possible for a XL i hate to trade my DSI XL i love it allot because it looks more velueable the Burgundy Colored i love it tons just makes it look more value then all DSI’s i seen plus my cusion rare colored one it’s a chocolate colored never seen anyone with it but him he won it from a machine really cool but these my tops of every DS

  20. TheStickynoodle:

    I don’t get why people think its wrong for adults to play this game. People of all ages love and play with real dogs, why not virtual?

  21. MultiHaygirl:


  22. nasdenasert:

    Be fast: goo.glkLPdk and win new Nintendo 3DS now.

  23. MyPantsAreSomewhere:

    im a guy . can i get this game? or will i be called FAG! lol jk

  24. nnnnnnnn6ful:

    2:37 lol

  25. nnnnnnnn6ful:

    2:37 lol

  26. abd4620:

    @NewTRAlLERS LOL 1th xD

  27. Kami9799:

    lol nice

  28. southpawOO7:

    whats a friend if you can’t ask for a couple bucks now and then… oh well i’m off to facebook… muahaha

  29. VideoFan0112:

    second and lol

  30. NewTRAlLERS:
