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CHECK ME ON IMDb: IMDb.me Please click the link & pass around to all of your friends. It helps raise my status to get better gigs. Thanks STEW CREW! VISIT MY NEW WEBSITE: JohnBasedow.net Please click that SUBSCRIBE button! Like, Favorite, Comment & Share this video with friends! GETTING CHUNKED IN THE NEW MEDIA STEW POT A WTF Of The Week on a viral video featuring a VERY sleepy cat. Plus…the winner of the Canon camera is announced! Intro by Bravo TV’s «Tabatha’s Salon Takeover» star Tabatha Coffey. Sleepy Cat / Is That Cat Dead? WTF Story Links: bit.ly bit.ly My WTF reports also appear on Michael Warbux’s «News That Caught My Attention». Please check out his channel & subscribe: YouTube.com FIND ME HERE: Official Website: JohnBasedow.net Fitness & Vlog Channel YouTube.com Order DVDs & Books: FitnessMadeSimple.com Twitter Twitter.com Facebook: Facebook.com DailyBooth: DailyBooth.com PLAYLISTS! MOTIVATIONAL: bit.ly WTF REPORTS: bit.ly MOVIE REVIEWS: bit.ly FITNESS: bit.ly ASK JOHN & GRACE: bit.ly Special Appearances By: Tabatha Coffey: Twitter.com Grace Helbig: YouTube.com CiCa: YouTube.com Ben Hughes: ObviouslyBenHughes GET A NEW MEDIA STEW SHIRT! http Custom make it yourself! Choose designs, colors & shirts. Send me cool stuff! John Basedow NEW MEDIA STEW 309 Main Street — Suite 234 Farmingdale NY 11735 To download the NEW MEDIA STEW theme song for FREE click: bit.ly If you want to use the NEW MEDIA STEW instrumental version for video responses click: bit.ly EXTRA TAGS …
It looks like Cooper found his favorite fruit. A fresh, juicy watermelon every blue moon makes for a delightful treat. When it’s the doggies’ turn, Cooper wouldn’t leave the watermelon alone and even tried to squeeze in front of the doggies. Check out our blog for pictures: sweetfurr.blogspot.com Thanks for stopping by! スイカが好き猫ちゃん
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@MissAngie304 Frightening
geez that fucking cat is creeapy 0.0
@JohnBasedow1 R.I.P. dead cats and dogs… * silence *
@JDubbsTheatre I believe there are 3.
@hadleysgirlforever1 Yep
Wtf that was fucking scary
Wait… did they really make more than two Pet Cemeteries?
@Angelwriterspeaks Yes, that seems to be the general consensus.
@allofrouto4321 Thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed! It’s definitely an odd video.
Love this video John! It’s so funny
This cat is scary!! Thank God it was alive! xD I would never put my dog on a video like this!
lol midnight in the gold chain is epicness….i wanna see more midnight!
@RavenHouseMystery Thanks! That’s what these WTFs are intended for.
All I can think of is that cat had an extra helping of catnip or found the key to the guy’s liquor closet.:-) I once did a video of my dog asleep on my bed. Talk about video evidence.
Great video, John. Always love the WTF for a stress relieving laugh.:-)
@therealCiCa Thanks CiCa. I always appreciate your video responses & kind words!
@WolfertonProductions Thanks W! Hope you’re feeling better this week.
@MsEmwee Yes, yes indeed it is.
@lordcoyote2000 I don’t know that show. I’ll see about checking it out. Thanks for the referral LC2000.
@TayTayKemp The upload is taking forever — 136mins — on WiFi here. Usually my vids that are 1080p & around 1GB in size upload within 60-80mins.
@JohnBasedow1 sounds good JB! I’m lookin forward to it!
@TayTayKemp More contests coming up TTK! Plus I’m uploading a Movie Review now…so keep watching.
haha i love cats! I wish my cat would do something crazy like that! I would so put a video up of it! XD you’re such a giving person JB! Congrats RavynPlume!
I think the cat was recovering from being a guest star on Myharto’s My Drunk Kitchen’s latest video. I wouldn’t put my pet in this type of video.
@JohnBasedow1 You’re welcome, thank you, and I think you’d have loved Natasha; she loved people in general, even the ones I disliked.
awww it’s CICA!!!!
Zombie cats! You know I hate ’em! Oh sure, they look all sweet and dead and stuff, but what happens when you wake them? Um, well, they, um, wake up? I still think thats one freaky cat that really needs to checked out by a good Vet, Love the video JB!
fucing japs
4 million..really ? 4 millllllionn people….tuned in just to see this cat eat a water melon ? hahaha that in its self if funny enough
I came here looking for the CLG Roster. I am not disappointed.
What kind of camera did he/she use for this video? Everything looks so high def!
Thumbs up if you saw this and thought ‘OMG HE GOT HIT IN THE FACE BY A MALLET!
Hey, that’s my breakfast, you hairy !
how many frickin pets do you have?!?
who else was expecting a black related top comment?
So he’s DEFINITELY black. No , wait He’s Albino . ^__^ P.S. I’m partially black so i can make that joke .
Omg.. that’s so adorable!.. I want to feed my cat that too.. hehehe.. I have a red persian cat.. He is so cute too!.. Check out my videos!..
that’s one healthy cat! lol
…Why isn’t that kitten black?
are cats allowed to ahev watermelon? i woul love to feed my kitty some!
Cat > Pugs.
Watch it with your eyes closed.
so cute
he looks like my friend dean
Kitty knows how to eat healthily.
Oh my this kitty is too dang cute :]
334 people have no soul.
This is really cute! Didn’t know wermellon is safe for cats, but it is really, really cute!
Very cute!!! I didn’t know watermellon is safe for cats….But this is really cute!!