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50 комментариев на “ANNOYING THE CAT”

  1. subzerocious:

    Poor cat! It seems to have been harmed doing this recording! I felt harmed! *Kidnaps Kitty!*

  2. ethahew:

    u mad yet bro!

  3. wiehow:

    @ImBoyD20 I read all the comments, but sometimes i dont have the time to respond to every one.

  4. ImBoyD20:

    @PoppkeIl thx for replying

  5. PoppkeIl:

    @ImBoyD20 Thanks!

  6. Xp3rt1se:

    Nothing could be mad with beaver in their face.

  7. IraqBrazilSoccer:


  8. Krintex:

    I’m just waiting for some sort of animal abuse agency to pounce on this.

  9. ChadDoctor:

    Was hoping 4 cat7thst!

  10. xbedazzeled:

    Bucket of water!

  11. SpelledOneL:

    HOLY CRAP i thought u were filming my cat for a sec, haha

  12. iplaylax22:

    adorable…. the cat likes the beaver….. lesbian cat!

  13. GhostMan0ps:

    Both pets look so cute

  14. ImBoyD20:

    best video ever

  15. theawsometeam1:

    i love ur pets

  16. fitzpatt9112:

    @KPopp I added this to my favorites after the first shoe

  17. DucksAWESOME12:

    Ducks FTW

  18. 9big1jose6:

    Kelly likes pussy? Lmfao

  19. mrSTREETSTA:

    @omipe3 im glad you were listening!

  20. omipe3:

    @mrSTREETSTA she said jelly idiot

  21. MrScarhand18:

    kelly your cat is just like me when i’m sleeping, someone annoying me i’m like i don’t give a shit i’m just going to continue sleeping.

    like Rain51686 said: that’s one chilled out cat.

    me: hell yeah

    only the cat get attention and not the dog well good thing the dog didn’t get that kind of attention he get a hug instead that’s better lucky dog X.) poor kitty :,(

  22. mrSTREETSTA:

    Woman: You still jolly?
    Dog’s thoughts: If you even dare of putting that damn camera or annoy me…so help your face!

  23. mrSTREETSTA:

    Try a bucket of water XDXD

  24. slighelliam:

    @SmithCommaBenjamin she has done better in life than you

  25. Killzone8428:

    Was whiteboy in the kitchen XD LOL JK

  26. aqwcheerio2:

    is a falis a penis? urban dictionary said so 😛

  27. N0N4M3OFWAR:

    11:30 YOU BWOKE DA WULES!!!1

  28. grandevive:

    @xYourSillyx f5

  29. xYourSillyx:

    how do you do the thing to see the back of you and move around at the same time!?!

  30. jw4002:

    @gotpie535 destoy everythingggg ! aahahah noo dont

  31. elcode100:

    @GamerFilmzUnleashed dude i just wanted to say some random shit i wasnt after likes

  32. elcode100:

    @GamerFilmzUnleashed dude i just wanted to say some random shit i wasnt after likes.

  33. elcode100:

    @GamerFilmzUnleashed dude i just wanted to say some random shit i wasnt after likes

  34. SuperChubbyPenguin:

    bitch or cajan manadian

  35. SuperChubbyPenguin:

    bitch or cajan banadian

  36. SuperChubbyPenguin:

    been watching since 1:00 PM its 4:00

  37. Lefalinjection:

    your clanforge server has monsters off

  38. Varzakh:

    @burnincrack «phallus»

  39. Varzakh:

    for monster to spawn you must BE PATIENT

  40. joaquinja1995:

    for the mobs to spanw u need to close up the platform make a room and make it all dark

  41. burnincrack:

    oh,um,i googled falice :S

  42. HappySuscriber:

    I googled falice…

  43. 22slade:

    i could join your server if i wanted 🙂

  44. darkmater579:

    Well have the spawner higher up is what I mean

  45. darkmater579:

    I think you have to be higher up for them to spawn bajan

  46. iBenjaa:

    When the fridge opened up at the end I started singing along like, » bedebebdebdebdebdebde» and so on, it was fun!

  47. djfosgett:

    I googled phallus

  48. VentusUnbirth:

    im still wondering what the hell happened to their house its gone halfway through the video.

  49. 80mars:


  50. starscean1:

    Simon’s a noob