The Daily Brief — Crystal Meth For Cats, Tae Bo Class Nearly Destroys Building — 7.27.11


Today on The Daily Brief we took a look at the following topics: Crystal Meow: Tae Bo: NetSwipe: Check out yesterday’s Daily Brief: ‪
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16 комментариев на “The Daily Brief — Crystal Meth For Cats, Tae Bo Class Nearly Destroys Building — 7.27.11”

  1. Yeahgraffics:

    Oh crystal meth.

  2. pkg911:

    666 viewers…. the devil must like kittens 😛

  3. DooDooSwagga:


  4. Q3hero:

    You are cute

  5. PsstWhoCares:

    Kitten Tears? KITTEN TEARS?? How about the tears from that horse you fired, how about the tears from that horse that is know visiting street corners whoring around to make ends meet. Scratch that, I don’t want those tears anymore.

  6. 007phycokiller:

    5000 view for opahans tears from a cat? CHALLENGE APCEPTED ill send it to all my friends…… Waaaaiit a minute i dont have any -_- FOR EVER ALONE : D

  7. b4byfac3:

    Hi Chloe 🙂

  8. ZeroAssault:

    this new chick is hot.

  9. supercojin:

    chloe and cats, is she miy?

  10. jeieien:

    I love Chloe.

  11. pauliux11:

    @86kinky86 I second that

  12. hohohee1:

    I’m just curious as to what her answer might be

  13. hohohee1:

    Can Chloe do a video of telling us her «ideal» guy?

  14. 86kinky86:

    I want a guy who makes all these video interludes to have his own show.

  15. 86kinky86:

    @marouanbak no.

  16. marouanbak:
