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CATS the MUSICAL! part 1 Intro
CATS THE MUSICAL copyright: Program copyright: 1998 The Really Useful Group, Ltd. All Rights reserved. Package Design and Summary: 1998 PolyGram Video. All Rights Reserved. Manufactured and Marketed by PolyGram Video, a division of PolyGram Records, Inc. New York, NY. All Rights Reserved. I don’t own this movie in any way nor am I making money off of it.©
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4 ppl are dog lovers
i wish i could have seen Cats perfomed live, unfortuely i was born a bit too late.
1:08 My favorite part of the song!
here in sweden they did cats the musical in swedish, and my dad played in the orchestra
I used to skip the intro cause it freaked me out but now i’m used to it so i’ve watches the musical over 10 times 🙂
When I first saw this I was about three and after seeing this intro I was scared to death and stopped watching it. I wish I kept the the TV on now.
10 likes and i will try to direct a musiacal and show it to my family
@businesschic24 i saw the musical when it was on tour. they had cat eyes that flashed in their wigs and they would run around the theatre.
i used to watch this three times a night with my grandpa when i was a kid…
@GlowBored I think it is, considering that looks like a screen.
What is this intro from? Is it from the movie or something?
this is all i watched as a kid 😀
@xXXRami16XXx your gonna ove it it was so good when it was in NC
@ICryForAFamily Sme in new york *memories*
anyone know where i can watch the full movie?
Last time I saw this was when I was 4 years old… -sigh- the memories <3
@businesschic24 the last production I saw that’s how they entered. For both acts too!
@businesschic24 where my mom does the choreography at for high school muscials they did it tonight is the last night and they had that… it was amazing the climbed throught the hallways and at different beats to the music ceratin ones would go on and off.. It was just amazing and gave me goosebumps in the first number!!! they did a terrific job
i love this musical so much! 🙂
Dose anyone find it disurbing that it opens up with all those cats eyes looking at you, LMAO
1 person is a dog
@businesschic24 thats how they usually do it on broadway ive seen it a few times
1 person must not have seen a real play
Does anybody else’s school start the musical by have the lights off and the cats prance around and the lights occasianally flash on? I’ve never seen the original or anything.