Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Cats, Rings and Other Things

Specially and for YouTube subscribers this ramble video is a mixture of replies to frequently asked non make-up related questions and other things which may (or may not!) be of interest.Thanks for all your lovely comments and interest, it means a lot. Lisa x PS The nail polish I’m wearing is Ciate Paint Pot in ‘Fun Fair’
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Meme Molly from YouTube and Rocketboom visits the Reel Good Show. Bobby tries to woo Molly with dead cats. Oh yea and we also want to say: cats, cat videos, Twilight New Moon, zombies, cute girls, sexy, strip tease, halloween and Zac Efron. Meme Molly’s ’10 sec Self-Promotion’: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com www.rocketboom.com Watch the ‘Bit’ segment Director’s Cut in HD www.youtube.com The Reel Good Show has Viewer Interaction, Live Streaming Shoots, and More! Go to www.indymogul.com to learn how we produce the show and how YOU can be part of it! Website — www.TheReelGoodShow.com Indy Mogul on twitter — http Bobby Miller on twitter — www.twitter.com Facebook Fan Page: www.indymogul.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Betty is adorable, so cute :)))
I have to confess. I sit and watch you videos the make me feel so relaxed, I´ve never seen anyone like you on youtube….your eyes are so honest and good. Like you a lot.
Love from Sweden
i love your lip color here!! do you have any suggestions for a similar lip look for someone with a medium-olive skintone?
i have such a hard time fidning thst lipcolor that just lights up my face.
@syobamme hahaha! i second that sister! =D her make up studio is a girl’s dream come true!
@lisaeldridgedotcom Adopt Me!
You are an inspiration to me Lisa. Thank you so much for your videos, I have learnt so much :))
this video is so soothing..dont know why..but it is:) love you lisa!!
damn u look hot
you answered a question of mine a while ago and i freaked out.
Betty is so lovely!!!
I love your video so much….and you are a wonderful person.
You are truly inspiring love your work!
Beautiful jewellery. Always wondered about that…. Thanks.
I love u Lisa!
Betty is gorgeous!
@lisaeldridgedotcom I’ll be your surrogate daughter ANY day
Lisa I just want to say that you are a AMAZING person. ♥. Please dont ever stop youtube videos cause we love to watch you and learn from you!
@lisaeldridgedotcom i’m pretty sure a lot of us have application forms ready to be adopted as your daughter!
please adopt me!
I LOVE your hair.
aawwwww Betty is beautiful! I get so excited when i see a cat, british shorthairs are amazing! x
Lisa — I love your channel, thank you so much for taking time out of your hectic schedule to do these videos. I love how genuine you are and I’ve learnt so much from you.
I have a tutorial request when you do have the time: How would you do an asian model’s makeup, particularly one with mono lids?
Betty!!!! She’s so cute!!!
i thought the little description of Betty, like the ones you have for make up products was so cute
Oh my god. Meme Molly bondage
did molly just compare a blindfold to bondage? XD
this is great
i am an elfe wizard…sure
this guy still around?
Molly, your perfection.
you can get a comfortable life naneedj.info
@iReVoDesigns Its actually not. Shes said before her username is me-me-molly, not meme-molly.
SRSLY some1 answer plz
what happened to this show?
WTF happened to this show
thanks for the seizure there there, i needed those flashing fucKING LIGHTS
me me molly. -_-. Its pronounced meem molly.
Holy crap Molly sounds just like Natalie Portman
4:25 OMG, Rocketboom makes Molly wear tops that are appropriate? Damn you Rocketboom!!!!!!!
1. Molly marry me!
2. Molly is gaining weight.
3. 307th!
4. I suscribed to Rocketboom just to see Molly!
5. Rocketboom NYC sucks!
6. Molly looks better with no make up.
7. I like Molly’s haircut!
8. I’m surprized no comments about Molly’s boobs.
9. Boobs! / Cleavage!
10. Molly go to the kitchen!
11. Molly’s losing her accent!
12. <3
13. Molly stop wasting paper!
14. Molly speaks so fast I couldn't understand a word
15. Molly pls stop sitting in front of Australia
Any suggestion for 16?
really good, original rhythm to this show — great work
«I’m an elf wizard»
Molly, you come very close to my dream wife, you have it all, love you.
Molly: I am an elf wizard
Host: sure…
Love the awkward, irony, and sarcasm.
For some reason, I really like the type of humor in this show.
@yamfeaeb You realize it’s a joke, right? No idea why you’re having an aneurysm over this.
Molly, you are perfect. Thank you for your videos!
good video.