MLH — DEMON!? Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing


LOL Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing, funny when this Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing the video basically shows cats can bark like dogs, and they also realize when they messed up! Title of video Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing Link to video So what would you do if your Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing ?
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25 комментариев на “MLH — DEMON!? Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing”

  1. zombiedude648:

    yeh your a hotty and i agree

  2. ComedyCreek:

    have you ever seen a hamster stand up and hiss

  3. chicanozacatecano:

    =3 Is better

  4. Akilldema:

    Where’s the funny? fail

  5. AreYouGayfish:

    @dirtbiker1122155 Don’t forget you only see the face ^^

  6. Sicowkaksin:

    I wouldn’t be suprised since my dog meowed.

  7. thomaswack:

    God ur ugly, but at least you dont have any boogers in your nose this time.

  8. 33bigmanhitter:

    That cat barking belongs to chuck norris

  9. jonathna11:

    get the gun!!!!!!

  10. Uzid0esiT:

    My first thought?
    DAMN! That bitch smells like pussy!

  11. Quate32:


  12. GenaMaria1:


  13. robykirby1:


    There is still soviet areas of russia.

  14. MeganLeeHeart:

    @dirtbiker1122155 Thanks lol

  15. dirtbiker1122155:

    Girl u are pretty hot

  16. MeganLeeHeart:

    @BluerougeVyse LOL! Love it! 🙂

  17. BluerougeVyse:

    I would of took out my trusty recorder and got it on film secretly and probably uncover a goverment consiracy 😉

  18. Dagonai2:

    i wod be like wtf

  19. 1GurU8:

    1. We don’t have sucha tech =x
    2. There is no Soviet Russia anymore :
    3. I can’t resist your charm T.T

  20. wvargas41:

    I agree with 720

  21. 720xnet:

    Silly dumb BITCH!

  22. JackStepek123:

    Well i’m confused cause at the intro of the vid, there is a cat talking..

  23. dman1352010:

    DEMON !!!!

  24. sognodiangeli:

    I have never caught my cat barking but I always felt she had more human characteristics than usual. For example she had a habit of annoying the hell out of this one friend of ours who did not like her, and I think she knew it. It was as if she was getting a kick out of it.

  25. DigitalAlpine:

    @Marktheshtfgenius So you are a troll, a hater, and a liar

    Dont give me that pathetic BS about you insulting someone in kindness. You’d have to be stupider than I give you credit for. Fact is, she is minding her business, enjoying herself, being creative and indulging in the art of writing, acting, and directing.

    She’s doing something productive and entertaining, and you were just attempting to be a smartass, esp with your ‘psych review’ which was definitely not driven by ‘kindness’.