if koci fought more like a bigger guy than a smaller guy, he would win a lot more, instead he tries to get in close instead of using his reach, thats why he doesnt win when he should be, and cote, well he gets killed 90 percent of the time
Burn yourself already. Go straight to the nearest oven and stick yourself in it. Then the world will finally be a better place. What you just said is worse than gay. It’s even worse than mega gay. It classifies as Michael Jackson Gay. If there is a God, he just laughed at you.
what a pathetic joke of an organization tampa bay is. their 04 cup goes down as the biggest joke in the history of professional sports. zero fan base, zero reason to exist, zero future. fold already.
cote gets beat up by every single person…he should seriously stop fighting cuz he gets beat up every fight…wow he tied this one and koed gay ass roy who is a pussy so kote is 1-25-1 in all his fights ooooooo wussy
Beste, du und deine Katze habt mir grade echt den Freitag gerettet. xD
so fantastic !!!
J’ai des envies de meurtres maintenant :F
hes so cute!!
omg wie geil XD
nice nice xD
cool kitty cat
verdammte tat, was ist denn hiiiiiier los????? ahahahaaaaa
what gotta’ hold of the music?
cool song! I can`t stop singing it .. make me stop
lol i agree
«Cats — I’m a kitty cat — and I dance dance dance, I dance dance dance.» So cute and clever! I love this video. The song and timing are great.
totally awesome, i love it
I was there! Flyers win 6-1! i think he was in one more fight but i cant remember
Koci is now a Ave
Wicked shit, Hes a better fighter then Lapierre!
ya i def blame tampa bay for the strike
win for cote but not by much at all.
if koci fought more like a bigger guy than a smaller guy, he would win a lot more, instead he tries to get in close instead of using his reach, thats why he doesnt win when he should be, and cote, well he gets killed 90 percent of the time
WOW. your actually suppose to leave comments about the fight not stupid stuff like that.
Koci Owned Cote but Cote has kicked Koci’s ass before, its going to happen…lose some win some
its enforcers favorite phrase!
Cote took it obviously
Two guys that get beat up by everyone… no wonder nobody wins this fight.
WTF you think it means retard?!? Google is your best friend, use it!!
Agreed. That Championship was the biggest sham in sports history.
Burn yourself already. Go straight to the nearest oven and stick yourself in it. Then the world will finally be a better place. What you just said is worse than gay. It’s even worse than mega gay. It classifies as Michael Jackson Gay. If there is a God, he just laughed at you.
what a pathetic joke of an organization tampa bay is. their 04 cup goes down as the biggest joke in the history of professional sports. zero fan base, zero reason to exist, zero future. fold already.
koci from the bruins?. when was he traded or released? :
fuck logic i have lord lucifer on my side you think i need logic?
if youre with god then im with satan.
Michael Phelps caught smoking weed!
fuck israel
Who the Hell are you
coming from a leafs fan he kicked andre deveaux’s ass a little while back xD
i have to give the edge to the speed bag cote. a very slight advantage at that.
probably kick the shit outta you..
nuff said.
cote gets beat up by every single person…he should seriously stop fighting cuz he gets beat up every fight…wow he tied this one and koed gay ass roy who is a pussy so kote is 1-25-1 in all his fights ooooooo wussy
what the fuck u mean nig-nogs?
actually they are now called tampa bay bolts…jersey’s are sweet, but i like lightning better