Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Piet Veerman (The Cats) — Sailing Home

Piet Veerman (The Cats) — Sailing Home. Alexander von Humboldt — St. Petersburg — Russia. Cuauhtemoc — Mexico. Dar Mlodziezy — Gdynia — Polen. Georg Stage — Kopenhagen-Denemarken. Guayas — Ecuador. Juan Sebastián de Elcano — Spanje. Kaiwo Maru — Japan. Khersones — Kershone — Ukraine. Kruzenshtern — Kaliningrad — Rusland. Prince William — Glasgow — Engeland. Mir — St. Petersburg — Russia. Sorlandet -Kristiansand — Noorwegen. Sagres II — Lissabon -Portugal. Stad Amsterdam — Amsterdam — Nederland. Stavros S Niarchos — Engeland. Amerigo Vespucci — La Spezia — Italië. Cisne Branco — Brazil. Libertad — Argentina. Mircea — Constanza/Roemenië. Sedov — Murmansk/Rusland. Spirit of Bermuda — Bermuda . Statsraad Lehmkuhl — Bergen/Noorwegen.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Police: 50-60 cats found in filthy conditions
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Ein wunderbares Lied.
Orginal aus den 80er ist Neda Ukraden «»
tooler song gefällt mir echt gut eigentlich alle von cats
I know, that’s not a problem. I like that…
I know, that’s not a problem. I like that…
Hi, Hope you saw my reply. I posted it into main postings 2 weeks ago. I did not know how to reply directly to you, but do now. Was teasing you a bit.
beleza brazil classike
HI hannipan02. Was teasing a bit and only mildly angry. If you had captioned the ship, Price William, Glasow, UK — or Britain, it would have been fine. But to us Scots, that is like saying Prince William, Den Haag, Belgium. But still great video.
Sorry, That’s not correct from me, but I can’t change it. Are you a little bit angry now?? : >)
The video is well put together. The graphics effects 100%. The tune is very good. All in all I would have given it 100% BUT I have to take 10% off, because at Time 2.07 — the ship is captioned, PRINCE WILLIAM, GLASGOW, ENGLAND. GLASGOW IS IN SCOTLAND.
Beautiful, Thanks for sharing.
nice one always
Auf dieses Video antworten… ja die fehlt -leider
@inge1936 ja , leider
hey hannepan02, superschönes video und eine unübertroffene stimme, die mich schon vor 40 jahren fasziniert hat. schön das es heute die möglichkeiten gibt, diese gefühlvolle musik in netz zu stellen…danke, purkul54
Dit liedje werd gedraaid bij de crematie van mijn opa<3
@inge1936 Sorry, ik had ze van een lijst gehaald. Stond daar waarschijnlijk niet bij.:)
@ Tehedx
leemspoor 2 dagen geleden Ik denk ook dat het dezelfde
@tehedx ik denk naar rechts mooi nummer dit
Video will soon be published Kruzenshtern sailing ship’s visit to Oulu!
My Heart goes out to these Ships but where is our «GORCH FOCK»?
I lived in Holland for almost two yesrs…I had s motorcycle accident in September 1987 and spent two months in the oosterschelde ziekenhuis in goes… and had to go back in two weeks before Christmas because my leg wouldn’t heal…but msnaged toake it home five days before christmas.. this song reminds me of my journey home and longing to seei family and friends again
@scopulus93 Yeah, I know the feeling too. I have 5 dogs and live in a real bad part of town and a few cops came over a month ago and gave my mom a sepina to court for having «too many animals». The legal limit is 5.
I feel her. I love my cats.I have one that is soon to have kittens.I am not sure what to do with them.I hate to turn away a hungry being. Any one want a kitten?