Forty two funny cats

- — more funny videos *** Как-то сидел и от неча делать смотрел коротенькие видеоролики, которые хозяева сняли про своих котов. Накопилось много материала, перерыто более двухсотен таких роликов. Появилась идея сделать видео. Единственной проблемой была музыка. Я никак не мог найти подходящую песню или трек. Тут я вспомнил про «Бигуди»… Надеюсь мне удалось создать атмосферу позитива и вызвать улыбки на ваших лицах один из роликов:
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25 комментариев на “Forty two funny cats”

  1. Asaminator:

    3:33 made me fall off my chair!

  2. LamangoKaijura:

    The end was odd.

  3. BraedonBrad:

    >.> Nyet nyet soviet, soviet jewellry

  4. blazsovszky:

    I loooooove all your videos! Thank you! XXXXXXXX

  5. 420ispeace:

    I love your videos!! Ive got 5 cats, but I keep them indoors…..too many predators around here!

  6. gtaiv359:

    last vid follow john 😛

  7. manoxdesigns:

    sometimes cats can be so funny but not often 😀

  8. Black911UA:


  9. Loki93009:

    @TeachESL first of all, i doubt the person who made this video is the one who video taped the cat on the baby. Also seriously the kid was fine it wasnt a newborn, children aren’t nearly that delicate.

  10. Loki93009:

    @TeachESL first of all, i doubt the person who made this video is the one who video taped the cat on the baby. Also seriously the kid was fine it wasnt a newborn, children aren’t nearly that delicate.

  11. MrLeshtaev:


  12. TeachESL:

    @ignoramusky One does NOT put a baby in danger!

  13. TheGEVARO:

    это самое лучшее видео о котах!)

  14. TeachESL:

    A cat on a baby like that is dangerous!

  15. 00NiGzZz00:


  16. Devastationable:

    4:10 chasing pussy 😉

  17. MrDocRin:

    Спасибо, да удалось 🙂

  18. Franny5879:

    Cats are SO cute! <3 Beautiful video!

  19. RedsterKayami:

    3:32 ROFL XD

  20. JayAre561:

    @nippononna i point my laser pointer in my cats eye all the time and he sees fine…

  21. shinichi1975:


  22. watsupzzful:

    cat’s voice = lucifer

  23. nippononna:

    Cat playing with Laser pointer is dangerous!
    If you point the laser pointer on cats’ eyes hold it there it can damage them in the eyes.

  24. mixcalibur:

    Can someone please send a link to this song, without singer voices (only the » la la la la, di da da da»)!? Please, I love this song! 😉

  25. HALLautobahn:
