Самые смешные коты и кошки !
How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever! — Craig Turner

Find all the cat photos and me on Facebook: www.facebook.com ::Be sure to comment and share your thoughts or even your neighbourhood cat problem. Also let me know which of life’s questionable problems you want me to solve next — This is a short film shot in Perth Western Australia, on my struggle and solution to my problem with neibourhood cats urinating on my car and property. — Seriously I don’t hate cats, This video was the result of a legitimate ongoing problem we have had with cats in our area. Washing cat urine off our doors and cars was becoming an increasingly time consuming and frustrating part of our weekly routine. Not to mention the many nights lost sleep with cat fights, we have even had property damage. Basically I thought «bugger it», why not turn our problem into entertainment, Everyone likes a funny cat video on youtube
— Find me on twitter too: www.twitter.com/craigoturner — Song: For those that like the song from the end of the vid, you can download it for free here on Triple J’s unearthed website. The band is called Verse Vicer and the song is called 5 Style Fist. Awesome track, rate it so that triple J might put it on their rotation. www.triplejunearthed.com —- I should have a website with something on it soon, not sure what, Something riveting I’m sure. www.craigturner.com.au Credits A film by Craig Turner Advisor to Mr Turner and Additional camera by: Kristen Turner. Mitsubishi Haters: Simon McCaskie Nathan Hart Amanda Turner A final …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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4:43 flamethrower
@flylikeIdo1 Not shotgun but flamethrower
Tears rolling down my cheeks every time I watch this.
This is BY FAR the best video ever created!
okay cge nah tsada nah
Maybe,the problem is your car not the cats
Awesome will have to build this will stop next doors cat using my flowerved as a toilet and then using my car as a step up to get over tge fence and back home
Much better result if you replace the water gun with a real one.. Just sayin
You’re cute
Bahahahaha u fekin rock man … Just replace the hose with a .22 .. Problem solved >:)
so how is the cat problem now? Any lessening?
Get those little bastards!
I have alot of trouble because every time i walk towards my hose the cats run off
this is going to be built by me now.
For annoying cat stories, my biggest irritation is the pair of tom cats that insist on having Mortal Kombat-level cat-battles in my backyard right below my window at 4am.
I’ve taken to sending the dog outside to break it up and it’s kind of hilarious to watch a cat clear a 4′ fence in a single bound, at a flat-out gallop.
Nothing more hilarious than giving a cat what it deserves.
Love this video! Just what i have been looking for! Great DIY parts sourcing. Thanks!
@1emanres No, I’ve seen cats do exactly what he’s talking about… Don’t be so quick to call someone an idiot.
Dogs look up to man. Cats look down on man, but a pig will look you straight in the eye and see his equal. Winston Churchill
AT 3:34 i already knew what he was making !
Thumbs up if you did too !
Very cool — thanks for sharing lol …
This is so fucking funny
@Cailtach you cant talk to cats….
Anyone that likes cats are stupid as hell for watching this and liking cats
I did this also, I used a battery powered squir-tgun, and motion sensor I didn’t video tape but I did drink a view beers while watching from my living room window.
The wait was worth it! the first cat ran toward the squirt-gun and was SOAKED!
next was a real surprise, a large Opposum mugged a cat and they both got soaked!
i got here cuz of the funny saw trap i no wonder why
Can I borrow your cat?? My hoovering needs doing. lol
bless the puddy tat
@YoSquashy i know they’re all thinkin i’m so white n furry, think i’m just too white n furry
This part of utube again….love it!
omg this is so cute and funny but if i was that cat and i could talk i would be like WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
They see me rollin they hatin
sad if it sucks up the tail
Poor Roomba must think its trippin’
i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turn the sound off and play Ridin’ Dirty for epicness.
The cats like «WTF IS GOING ON?!»
I would do the exact same thing if i where the cat!
But it is Beast
This is Kinda Weird
Is that a kitty toy on top of the roomba? That’s one way to start a successful video
I love the music. Fun & whimsical.
Yeah i have the same one, but mine is an undercover assassin who hates the sunlight!!
Vaccum cleans floor, tail polishes ground.
8 (beeps) of (beep)
everyone buy this for cats lol
Can your kitteh pick me up from the supermarket? I got gas money well electric money lol
it’s a very good driver