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Life Coaching Tips: The Feline Way by EVOLVE! Campaigns

HAPPY WORLD ANIMAL DAY! Here’s some words of wisdom illustrated by some very characterful cats! World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries throughout the world. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. It is intended as a day of celebration for anyone in the world who cares about animals. It is not restricted to any one nationality, creed, religion, political belief or ideology. See: www.worldanimalday.org.uk And if you love animals then please visit our website to learn about living a healthy, plant-based and cruelty-free lifestyle www.evolvecampaigns.org.uk
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love cats .makes the world go round:)
love cats makes the world go round:)
Yes, the music was just fine! I think the music allowed my mind to slow down and really think about each statement and not just look at the cute photos.
I love my cats…
3:24 LOL
The music is PURRFECT
@britches1985 nooooooooo dont change it it sounds fine!!!!
Thanks. Both the captions and the music are just right and fitting.
What a wonderfull video. Thank you so much for that.
Perfect! Very cool! Music is perfect too. Relaxing and meditative. And the pics made me smile and chuckle. The whole thing is just wonderful! Thanks very much for sharing!
So cute….I like the music.
TOO cute!!!
Please DO NOT replace the music…I found this video & music a total relaxing/refreshing moment…thanks so for sharing it,just the way it is
@britches1985 Take a look at «Greek to the Bone»
Maybe I should replace the music if it sounds too sad…??
I thoroughly enjoyed this slide show and music…funny how different our personal perceptions are………..
It is and i am!
@chuchyify It is quite sad and churned me up for a bit as I remembered I also used it in my video called «Greek to the Bone» but at least this is a very pleasant video particularly for cat lovers.
Thanks so much, makes a refreshing change to see something pleasant.
Awwww, beautiful! Sad music tho…….
The cat at 0:40 reminds me of Monorail Cat.