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KIDS REACT TO eHarmony Video Bio

SHARE — Tweet clicktotweet.com Facebook dft.ba eHarmony Video Bio Deleted Footage: www.youtube.com We upload a new «Kids React» episode every Sunday. Subscribe today: www.youtube.com Watchall «KIDS REACT» episodes here: www.youtube.com Leave video suggestions in the comments or at our Facebook on what you want them to watch next. It can be a viral video, a YouTube star, current events, a movie trailer, anything! www.facebook.com ————————- NOTE ABOUT THE CAST OF «KIDS REACT» : With it being summer vacation several kids will not appear in some of the videos due to being out of town. This does NOT mean they are no longer part of the show. If someone is not featured in an episode, don’t worry, they will be back once they are available. Also keep in mind that we will always introduce new members every episode, if we did not, some of your favorite cast members would have never become a part of the «Kids React» you know and love today. On behalf of ourselves and the entire cast, thank you for supporting everybody on the show! ————————- Created and Directed by Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers) MAIN CHANNEL: www.youtube.com SECOND CHANNEL: www.youtube.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK APP: apps.facebook.com T-SHIRTS: www.thefinebros.spreadshirt.com IPHONE APP (free) itunes.apple.com SEND US STUFF: TheFineBros PO BOX 4324 Valley Village, CA 91617-4324 —————————- Video featured this episode …
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427 use online dating and are deep cat lovers
does anyone else think that the blonde girl looks like rapunzel from tangled?? how about we get a reaction to that?
GOD SAKE»S! No one would cry over cats! -Says this like a sir!-
All i can say is ughh women! lol kid !!
This video went viral on Moscow
If you want to date a cat THEN GO DATE A CAT!
How does she not already have a boyfriend?
» Oh yes !!! Bonus score number one score of the day » oh Morgan
She will be Forever Alone….
those kids suuuure know a lot about online dating. scary man.
NOT TRUE I cried about when my kitten died
whats online dating? its where a bunch of creeps… to meet up and date. LOL!
YOU GOT TO BELIEVE IN YOSELLLLLLF! Haha I’m going to start asking kids for all my advice.
Thumbs up if you’re parents met on Eharmony. -_-
I cried at Marley and Me… :(
To bad I’m allergic
little kids dont laugh u might end up like her
OMG! My new favorite channel!!! <3 <3 <3
i cry about cats becuse i had to givetwo
cats away
There’s no way to explain my love for these kids. You. Are. Awesome. Truly awesome
«I really want a guy to be ….my dating boy. You got to BELIEVE in yourself!» So cute. Just so cute.
don’t talk about cats… leave it as a surprise!!! hahah