Yodeling Cat


Yodeling cat sings a funny rendition of «Jingle Bells» to kick off the holiday season with Walmart. www.walmart.com Click here to get the ringtone- http for iPhone or goo.gl for Android How to yodel Jingle Bells — Dashing through the snow-del lodel-layhee One horse open…

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25 комментариев на “Yodeling Cat”

  1. ManjuOcean:

    lmao cant stop watching this!

  2. DomanicSly:

    LOL! Saw the commercial and had to see if there was a full version. So funny!

  3. eksokolova:

    аахахахаааа XD

  4. luv2laugh45:

    so fake,so stupid,so CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!

  5. mrlucky3147:

    i just came for 52 seconds straight XD

  6. steeler3258:


  7. Pererra:

    this is disturbing

  8. GekkouKitsune:

    nightmare fuel

  9. cubansupreme:

    @Sw33pa i ask myself the same question 0_0.

  10. 2012God:

    Creepy Shit.

  11. FireClaw1234:

    @session036 it’s a commercial for walmart

  12. session036:

    Love it,, what program did you use?

  13. FireClaw1234:

    I like dashing through the snow-odle odle ayyy in a one horse open sleighdleadle ayy =3

  14. qrdavis133:


  15. Sw33pa:

    what the fuck, did i just saw

  16. UnrealVirusInfection:

    I think this cat has gotten way into the catnip

  17. shojostar94:

    how did i get…. here???

  18. studiodance48:

    so funny

  19. egorlegor:


  20. invisiblemeatball:

    wtf the third time you watch it it gets in your head

  21. micahbacchus:

    tht cat creeps me out how its watching….. like the eyes follows u

  22. BJBawesome1024:

    That’s more annoying than Rebecka Black!?!?! WTF?!?

  23. PeytonJoBedford:

    hahaaha it’s funnier the second time you watch it lololololol.

  24. KODYhutton:

    Is this hilarious or is that the vodka talking?