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Angelina Jolie Cat Eyes Make-up. Perfect eyeliner flick for round eyes.

To make small eyes bigger watch the Megan Fox Tutorial www.youtube.com Other Channel — www.youtube.com Facebook — www.facebook.com www.twitter.com www.twitter.com Blog — www.pixiwoo.com PRODUCTS USED ILLAMASQUA Skin Base CHANEL Blonde Clair Sculpting Brow Pencil MAC Spiked Brow Pencil Clinique 04 Brow Pencil Bobbi Brown — Bone and Taupe e/s Clinique Brush on liner Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Tweezerman lash curlers Clinique High Impact Mascara MAC Powersurge Kohl MAC Carbon e/s Maq Pro Fard Creme Palette www.preciousaboutmakeup.com Sleek Make-up Pout Polish in Nude
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The rest of the world has «Brangelina» Big Cat Rescue has «CAMBU» !! Cameron the male African Lion and Zabu the female white tiger love each other very much and love «playtime» where they can be very goofy big cats! Learn more about Big Cat Rescue’s «odd couple» — watch their video bio here: www.youtube.com * We do not breed our cats at the sanctuary for life in a cage, Cameron was given a vasectomy and Zabu was spayed to prevent them from breeding and producing ligers. You can read more about ligers here: bigcatrescue.org WEBSITE: www.bigcatrescue.org FACEBOOK www.facebook.com GOOGLE+: plus.google.com TWITTER: twitter.com DONATE: www.bigcatrescue.org BIG CAT SHOP: www.bigcatrescue.biz THANKYOU! If you text TIGER to 20222 *A one-time donation of will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. Standard messaging/data rates may apply. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of the Big Cat Rescue by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at www.mobilecommons.com You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to short code 20222; HELP to 20222 for help.
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what brushes do you use
what color pencil do you recommend for mediume biege (mac NC30) tone skin instead of powersurge pencil from mac? Please let me know because I would like to try this look.
The way you talk about make up it’s like a science.
great teacher
Thanks for all your videos. Both of you are so knowledgable and explain things very well. Also, your looks are beautiful and sultry and classy.
I see a bit of Pam Anderson in this make-up look. (?)
You look stunning!
Your lips may not be as pouty as Angelina’s but its sexy to me. Hehe.
, and so glad we have an English representative make-up artist, as i’m always watching video’s where they get there make-up from wall-mart or something, i’m hope this’ll work for my eye-color many thanks xx
although Megan fox fox is dang hot, and i love your tutorial for her this make-up has seriously sorted out my style out make-up out for sure, i have really big hazel-ish eyes and I’ve always wanted a sexy feline look [alike to Megan’s] but have never knew how to go about it, I’ve always thickened my eyeliner at the top of the eye, but now i’m sure of what to do, by far my favorite video on YouTube
This is the best makeup tutorial I have ever seen, period. Excellent job.
bellissimo truccoooo…ti seguo sempre..peccato che non capisco molto l’inglese!!
looks a lot like lucy lawless from xena
Wow!you are seriously amazing!
I like how the lighting in your video is perfect. Makes a difference. You’are are good at what you do! Keep up the good work.
im becoming gay while watching you..
You seem So Peaceful(:
i have kind a round, but more almond eyes, but i never knew about it. but i always doing very similar to that
You are beautiful.
That was wonderful! You have yourself a new subscriber!
are you wearing contact lenses? your eyecolor and your pupils are amazing. are you sure its real!? wow.
what do u use on ur skin its soo moist and supple???? amazing
best small eye makeup tourtiral on youtube i dreamt of u i swear <3 im soo happy i found u .. im totally subbing <3
@Pixiwoo please please please PLEASE do a tutorial inspired by Emily Didonato? I absolutely love her look in the Acqua de Gioia commercial! It’s gorgeous!
Your video is a favorite on Macedonia
How far into the ground does the fencing go?
ネコ科だね (=^ェ^=)
@BigCatRescue they should be best friends but, big cat rescue the tiger it is male or female? ass: answer me
well maybe bearded guys really do have a striking effect on women..
regardless of race…
or specie…?
guys get a room!
i wanna play with them too!
If only humans could get along so well…
aww they are just little little kittens playing around (ok well big kittens… lol)
it’s so adorable when they lick each other towards the beginning! Also, are tigers swifter than lions?
Why they have been fixed to prevent them from breeding? that’s cruel
Zabu (tigress) is such a bundle of energy that Cameron could barely keep up with her.
But you can tell that he adores her and @1:10 licked her neck with such tenderness.
i always thought tigers were bigger than lions
These two are better friends than I am with many of my fellow humans!
Can you feel~ the love tonight~?
@BigCatRescue So no ligers? =(
I honestly didn’t know that these two different creatures could play together, this is just awesome!
And it would be a good mix to have the eye of a tiger
and the pride of a lion
Are they different genders?
that is amazon how r they so tamed
Wait where’s the bear?
Awwww…! I just noticed at the end at 1:10, Zabu «chuffed» at Cameron as Cameron licked her. Awww…those two are so sweet together. I am in love with Cameron and Zabu.