jasper carrott:the insane cat


also known as the mad cat
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25 комментариев на “jasper carrott:the insane cat”

  1. plug4uk:

    AGREE!! come on BBC get ya finger out!!

  2. plug4uk:

    It’s looking up for us Brummies, iPhone have released a new app. Soon the whole country will be talking propper English, wicked man.. 😉

    iPhone App That Teaches You How To Talk Like A Midlander: The iBrummie


    @Orosian5 Ah, that’ll be Golden Balls. Now I’m a MASSIVE gameshow fan but I do agree with you, Jasper was wasted on there — he needs a new stand-up series!

  4. Orosian5:

    @WANNABENICKO Hear, hear! He’s been my favourite comedian since childhood. I felt sad when I saw him hosting some quiz show on the telly. He’s a stand-up God!


    @Orosian5 Yeah, it looks like they’re finally giving this man the reissue treatment. Since writing the comment 2 years ago, they’ve issued his 1978 LWT Series ‘An Audience With Jasper Carrott’. the first series of Canned Carrott from 1990 and his 1999 series ‘Back To The Front’ — let’s hope the gaps get filled in sooner rather than later!

  6. Orosian5:

    @WANNABENICKO I saw Canned Carrott in HMV the other day and was pleasantly surprised. Trying to find ‘Jasper Carrott Rabbitts on and on and on’ on CD or in digitial format now… that’s still proving to be elusive!

  7. plug4uk:

    Love Jasper, we need to here more of him, wicked mate..

  8. ryanfrombrum:

    I am a stand up myself and I had the honour of bringing Jasper on stage tonight at the Blossomfield Club Solihull where he turned up as an unannounced guest to try out some new material! Half an hour of up to date, top quality stuff which blew the roof off ! A comics masterclass. Thanks Jasper and long may you continue! Ryan 🙂

  9. anthrax465:

    @waveofthefuture819 I fucking love the Mole Hunting sketch

  10. urtube2k9:

    Hate Birmingham city and all blue noses,but i got to admit i think Jasper is funny as fuck

  11. scrumpyjackflash:

    @Seaventeares Cos he wants to

  12. scrumpyjackflash:

    @britishleylandcrap 2011. Have you just come out of a coma?

  13. MrAshimoto:

    This fella is great. funny as f**k

  14. Inkyminkyzizwoz:

    There is in fact a version of the Manx cat called the ‘Longy’, which has a nearly whole tail — only the ‘Rumpy’ is without a tail completely.

  15. flatcapdarryl:

    whatch this again and think of a famous landmark, message me wen u have done it

  16. Timsalt3100:

    I miss my cat Gremiln he died about 2 years ago he was 15 years old , but his early days he was a complete nutcase he used his head to get out of the kitchen so all you heard at 11pm was Bang , Bang , Bang he gave that up eventually and then started sleeping on the kitchen worktop.

  17. downard21:

    Love it

  18. BecksCorrick:

    Absolutely classic! I also have a mental cat, so totally understand!!!!!!! Where is Mr Carrott these days — please come back to us!

  19. AJoffical123:

    @Seaventeares yEssh .. its like gar iGE,.. i dont think he is supposed to be from BRUM might be west brom/bham ?? i think he is infulenced NOONE! says garage LMAO! and he sounds some of my teachers lool 😉 and ozzy ozborne sounds brummie/american WE NEED REAL BRUMMIES LIKE US LMAO 😉

  20. Seaventeares:

    Jasper is a legend but why does he say ‘garahge?’ I was born and dragged up in Brum and we all used to say ‘garridge.’

  21. Catdaft27:

    We have a «lolipop» he name is Nino and is insane too!. 😀

  22. hotmissmuffet:

    funny even now, i know a cat like lollipop n jasper hit the nail on the head 🙂

  23. PeterZeeke:

    I bow down to the carrot. genius, changed british standup

  24. MrOnion44:

    I`ve Seen Jasper live & seeing this again brings it all back. One of todays Comedy Legends. There goes the dog he`s off up the garden to savage the bloody lawnmower again!!!

  25. MrChristopher1964:

    Having been an «owner» (as much as you can be) of several cats, his observations are spot on !

    That is what makes it so funny!