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cat stevens Wild World — Easy Acoustic Guitar Lesson simple song

click here to make a song request www.guitarjamz.com More Great Lessons at www.guitarjamz.com cat stevens Wild World — Easy Acoustic Guitar Lesson simple song

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hey man i learned wild world from u i was hopeing u could please teach me toes by zac brown band ur great at teaching and playing thats why i ask- js1hitwonder420@gmail.com
i love you and your lessons of course ;] thanks a lot for sharing this one ;*
goerge harrison ur the the shizznit
you are awesome, good teacher.
Marty im a big fan of yours could you please make a tutorial of » Cat Stevens Lady-D’arbanville»??? IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME :/
Real patient instructor! Great job, Marty! Clear and concise,with the melody being faithful. Thanks a
whole lot! Malcolm O’Brien.
this tutorial confused me even more… meh… getting back to my own version… who’s gonna listen to me either :/
same haha, i hear a song I think hmm that would be cool to know and its there waiting for me
fill in the blanks by listening to the song. besides, what more do you want for nothing. Ungrateful troll.
nice christmas melody there Marty!!! lol
heeeeey you DO HAVE a hair up there
Fair lesson..kind of incomplete though.
thankyou so much!!! reallt helped me!
big thumbs up!
whats the diference with mr big version? is it just a higher pitch?
i swear this guy teaches every song i ever even think about trying to learn.
marty is blazed out of his mind in every video. look at his devil eyes
good job !! but i ve got the same question like marelie….:
thanks man , helped a lot !
Great lesson ! Thank you ! Just a question, what is the rhythmic for the chorus please ?
Thanks a million, man! A really talented guy NEVER keeps his talents for himself instead he doesn’t gives a doubt in sharing it to other people.. and you’re one of them. Thanks again! -Hythym of Dasmarinas, Cavite Philippines.
Thanks a million, man! A really talented guy NEVER keeps his talents for himself instead he doesn’t gives a doubt in sharing it to other people.. and you’re one of them. Thanks again! -Hythym of Dasmarinas, Cavite Philippines.
Marty if you were a woman I would bang you! Joking but I love you. Good times..
you are perfect thank you very much!!
Excellent prof, merci !
Looks better off without the hat!!! The hat looks Nerdy!!!
Okey! the upload failed check it out tomorrow to look at the clip
oh really? ok
If you log on to my channel I have a video of me eating it
If you log on to my channel I have a video of me eating it
Fuck youtube ads
@Moviemakergal03 lol I live less than a mile away from that college
I’m in college Jeana. i just finished my freshman year
At the moment I’m in middle school, but I plan on getting a bachlor’s degree.
it is not come in it is pronounced ku men lol
lol thank you! I was about to say the same thing
Is this guy black or Jewish?
I tried the cinnamon challenge with my Bedt Friend and I won! But didn’t get sick though
Tried the challenge but puked
im not in college
LMAO I smelled Nylah’s fart through the computer…
o yeah i tried the cinnamon challenge and died! beat that you beach! o yah im writing this in heaven!
really, I always thought it was pronounced like cue-min, but just to be a pretentious arse, I looked it up and it can be ˈkə-mən, ˈkyü-, ˈkü- basically kuh-muhn, kyu-muhn, or ku-muhn
so in actuality he was fairly close to the first of the 3 pronunciations.
anything is entertaining when youre baked
OHH! Does anyone know where I can get one of those subscribe pillows?! i really want one!!
Im goin to Perdu if i can, if not, then NIU
I want to go to University of North Carolina to minor in English literature and major in cinematography :3
im in college , last year..:D
I WAS going to do the cinnamon challenge, then I saw a couple of these videos. I’ve changed my mind