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4:37 but what if you just turn on your side? what will she do then?
so cute! how she tries to sleep next to your head
Jeanna if you dont wanna be high stop smoking weed!!!
oh that puppy is so adorable
Awe Nylah was so little
either do u or u wouldnt be commenting on there videos saying they dont have a life…. when ur in front of a computer watching them
PvPs don’t have a life.
Nylah probably likes that spot because she can feel your heartbeat.
U Need To Spoof Nyan cat…..
You need to go purchase farm fresh eggs for a good fart. They have them at walmart here in ohio. Id guess they have them in your area
its called cutest kitty ever
Someone direct me to the video of when they got Nylah please
i <3 NYLAH
Jesse, Nylah keeps sleeping on your chest/shoulder area because its close to your heart and kittens find a heartbeat very soothing. my cat did the same thing when she was a kitten too.
i wonder if they had twins, would they prank eachother?
boooooooooooo LITE A FART ON FIRE
You guys have been togther 5 years isnt it? And youalredy still dont have a baby, Please have a baby Its will be a mini JESSE SAAN soon and a little JEANA ROCK soon pllzzzz have a baby.
jeanna is a good cook
you look so sexy with that beard. WAY better than the strap.
what a cute little puppy!!! omg. he’s so cute.
Wat song is this plz some1 answer