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DANCE DANCE DANCE Ray William Johnson (Equals three ) русские субтитры
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WTF are u all saying
Remember you could watch a video without an anoying commercial?
Remember when music videos were uploaded by USERS not VEVO?
Remember the yellow subscibe button at the top?
Remember when you didnt have a limit to favorites?
Remeber when you could rate a video 1-5 stars?
Remember when all the info was to the right of the video?
Post this in every video and lets start a youtube riot!
Thumbs up to put this and keep this at the top of the page!!
На втаром видео стриляли холостыми, шапку збило выхлопом из дула
*стучит по спине*
Блин я конфеткой подовился…
@Ze6ypo Ага есть такое, хотя и не особо сильно вроде :)
Звук тормозит же