Le chaton le plus mignon même pour BHL (Persian kitten)


Sultane, âgée d’un mois et déjà très éveillée N’est elle pas mimi? \(⊙/3\⊙)/

2nd part (HD): www.youtube.com Very «quiet» female cat. For maximum effect turn up your volume, bass and treble as high as possible :]

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26 комментариев на “Le chaton le plus mignon même pour BHL (Persian kitten)”

  1. adorablelys:

    mdrr la crète :) ! j’aime trooop so cute ^__^

  2. sunburningstare:

    why was she making that noise ? when does she know it is enough if the male cat doesnt make that humping move dogs make, i can never understand if hes doing it or just rubbing

  3. HotWingsPrettyBird:

    Boy cat’s face is hilarious 1:08 LMAO XD

  4. iDerplyawesome:

    0:54 Here you go for the beginning

  5. KMeckleyfan97:


  6. rajimen84:

    I just noticed they were on someone’s bed and when the girl cat stars to scream the boy cats look is soooo funny

  7. rajimen84:

    Omg this is too funny!!! The male cats face was priceless.

  8. TheBprice123:

    At the end, the yellow cat is like «Baby, I was just trying to hump you dry!»

  9. dwewe622:

    The look on the male cat at the end is priceless!! B

  10. Sydn3z:

    What beautiful kitties! What kind are they?

  11. JaiydahJ123:

    their pretty cats though

  12. aemg01:


  13. Eminem13455:

    The male is like what the fuck i was fucking u as hard as i could!??!!!!

  14. Chubzdoomer:

    @CaptainMoochan I can hear its reaction in a black man’s voice, «THE FUCK’S WRONG WITH YOU, BITCH!?»

  15. fluttershyponycute:


  16. kodynor:

    poor cat:L

  17. BurnoutCover:

    Why did it act like that

  18. bb756016:

    the male penis of a cat has barbs on it thatss why she screamed like that when he inserted it

  19. robcme661:

    The guy cat at the end ws like wwwhhhaatt thhee fuck??!!

  20. tlotr1379:

    Damn! He is like, chill, chill, I’m done!

  21. CaptainMoochan:

    1:08 His face is fucking priceless.

  22. MultiMasterAl:

    Kittys screech=win
    Justin Bieber=holds his ears.

  23. thepeace0010:

    Dude lmao and they look like kittens.
    Male kitten:Stfu bitch I’m not on you anymore!
    Female kitten:Get the fuck off of me before I ————-

  24. johnlorenzo2009:


  25. TheChumlee12:

    So female cats and female humans have something in common

  26. Billmaster20:

    he stuck it in the wrong hole!