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★LIKE my videos? Share them! bit.ly ►WATCH MORE: bit.ly ☆dragomirnet86 — Cat mom hugs baby kitten: www.youtube.com ►Lance Is Single (Ep.2) ‪‪bit.ly ►Bloopers & Deleted Scenes (Ep.2) ‪bit.ly Filmed by Daniel Carter (roommate) • youtube.com • youtube.com MY LINKS: • Main ‪youtube.com • Daily ‪youtube.com • Alternate youtube.com • Twitter ‪twitter.com • Facebook ‪facebook.com • Dailybooth ‪dailybooth.com • Tumblr ScottKinmartin.tumblr.com • Formspring ‪http • Flickr ‪flickr.com • Funny or Die? funnyordie.com Show intro by Matt Ryan Harris • youtube.com Theme song produced by Robbie Jay • youtube.com TAGS: dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten

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50 комментариев на “NYLAH THE KIITTY”

  1. 007LethalEmpress007:

    That cat is like super chill on his shoulders

  2. OwnZombified:

    Did any 1 realise there are 2 » i » s in KITTY ? They wrote it like this KIITTY 😀

  3. corit2:

    what song was jess trying to sing at the end link plz?

  4. umawonders:

    @bannedyou123 dafuq

  5. Mrodrr:


  6. bannedyou123:

    I was pooping when he was talking in the bathroom. xD

  7. Rockon2474:

    @MissPrincessPie i do to

  8. masterpwner502:

    Go to the Westside Market down in West Cape May. SAAAN!



  10. TheRealJaneyT:

    subscribe to my channel and I’ll subscribe to yours!

  11. MissPrincessPie:

    Wawa run SAAAN, aha I live in CAnada :p

  12. rocks425:

    OMG, your tooth bothers me soo bad.

  13. living4selgomez:

    lol sitin on the toilet nic

  14. divagril1995:

    my new years resolution is to lose weight and u guys really help me with that thank you 🙂

  15. 9417211666:

    news year resoolution i wrk 8 hrs a day nw i will wrk atleast 12 hrs yeahhhhhhhhhh

  16. TheMasterchief826:

    Hey can u email me at my Gmail at masterc826@gmail.com
    I would like to ask something

  17. MrHat556:

    Best…. YouTube….Couple….Ever….

  18. Templar21:

    @alectronex fail

  19. alectronex:

    my new years resolution is 2650X1440

  20. MrKingc12345:

    mine is to meet a girl like u…

  21. MrKingc12345:

    i think itz cool and i’m still waiting 4 mine 2 fully come in some of itz here but not all of ittt…

  22. MrKingc12345:

    if thatz ur phone itzzz AWESOME I JUS» GOT A NEW 1 !!!!

  23. punisheralex:

    Check Out LVIToHeathrowGaming On Youtube For The Best Achievement Walkthroughs, Game Videos, And Game Tips. And Don’t Forget To Like Them Over At facebook/VGMMDI

  24. GearsOfWarAnimations:

    @PrankComedyTV but if you have 9,999,999 subs and want 1,000,000. doesnt that mean they need to take away 8,000,000 subs?

  25. xxtuddlexx:

    @PrankComedyTV No but u got 200 :/

  26. revvinevan014:

    fuck advertisement on youtube. fuck them

  27. TabithaStarr:

    The cutest thing(s) I’ve ever snuggled with are my 3 neices! (=

  28. ShaDow9167:

    sliding dog ftw!

  29. CclaudiaaNelly2:


  30. kbeck96:

    My kitten when he was all wrapped up in my l’il sisters blankie!! 🙂

  31. Park9999love:

    @SCOTTaMINUTE that would be me

  32. ZombiiexTeam:

    @Wrestlingthemeremix lol

  33. alchemylegend:

    Isn’t that guy in the Conan picture the homosexual guy from Modern Family?

  34. TylerLav118118:

    My Teletubbie Po when I was younger,my 5 year old American Cocker Spaniel more or less my arms very comfortable

  35. osemudiame123:

    cough your mom cough cough

  36. MissaMissa101:

    I love how the dogs face when he is getting squished in between them. So cute.

  37. Br1ttneyY0ung:

    @SCOTTaMINUTE i wouldn’t mind snugglin’ up with you Scott! ;D

  38. TheBapps:

    the cutiest thing i ever snuggled with is my wife!

  39. Wrestlingthemeremix:

    Your mom :D

  40. KayleighFool:

    i can never keep myself from singing the outro

  41. rossodinho08:


  42. DecodedVampire:

    My plushies! Yes, I’m 15 and still love plush toys! ^w^

  43. Cascharina:

    a baby pug

  44. ultimatescarlet:

    ok this will sound really weird but … my guitar … yeah i was eight and i just bough it lol


    my girlfriend 🙂 😛

  46. Sleepyhead84:

    a great dane!

  47. AliciaFina:

    Love your dog. Want to steal him/her. Huskies = amazing.

  48. Boudii0001:

    My girlfriend

  49. chessboy02:

    Your mum.

  50. MrMomtex:

    my pillow