Cat plays dead after a finger shot!!!

- just laugh or smile, one video at a time

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25 комментариев на “Cat plays dead after a finger shot!!!”

  1. thommiestruikie:

    awesome cool

  2. basir004:

    @zxturbo22 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE one

  3. 31TeV:

    @zxturbo22 Like you?

  4. JemGuitare:

    6 Lives left !

  5. zxturbo22:

    hahaha…..suckers ;-)~

  6. rbail3y:

    @zxturbo22 does that make you a retard?

  7. StickReverb:

    @zxturbo22 Now you’re a big retard yourself!
    Fucking Irony.

  8. PvtCinnabun:

    You’re gonna carry that weight

  9. P3tran4ever:

    hahaha like it, btw @THEMOSHMAN1 noo!! atm he spend his last life 😛

  10. ayoDIANa1:

    So adoreableee.

  11. felixthevampire:

    after 2X shoots

  12. Icewind007:

    He shot twice, that’s a twice dead kitty. Hence the 7 lives left…


    How did I get from political videos to funny animal vids? XD

  14. AbizmalRockabilly:


  15. MrDustyMonk:


  16. luxape123:

    @THEMOSHMAN1 8 lives not 7

  17. blackopsplayer798:

    No he has 8 lives he only died once you know. at least for what we know. hehe

  18. scooterboy897:

    @zxturbo22 that makes you one too

  19. XxHuntersGotMexX:

    @rohalin That’s what she said o3o

  20. rohalin:

    @zxturbo22 yeah…that’s why you’re on the top…

  21. AnotherStrangeGirl:

    @jackvids7 In some countries people use to say that the cats have 7 lives, not 9 (Brazil, for example)

  22. zoeyythewolf:

    from do i look like to babies to animals okai im loosing mi mind!

  23. KillEveryoneKillPhil:

    woah i had the top comment but my comment was removed…wtf… oh well

  24. pedrotheman1:

    Ahhh some one call PETA he’s got GUN!!!

  25. 2002liv:

    @zxturbo22 yeah thats probably you