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25 комментариев на “CRAZY JUICE!!”

  1. WeTeachThis:

    thats not her legs she has jeens on

  2. ipadmadman:

    Nylah looks tiny!! 🙂 wow she’s got big quick SSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN

  3. Grazk:

    Jeana looks really pretty 🙂

  4. Claudette Hammond:

    Jesse do you wax your legs?  6:54.

  5. Mr99blueberries:

    blackhawks rock!

  6. jtyler6917:

    well cats are not manly, u need a dog. no wonder why you have never had a cat

  7. PyjamasAreComfy:

    6:38 was so funny!

  8. Josiah Caulfield:

    go on a beeping wawa run

  9. 928Ranger:

    i believe you guys were watching the movie limitless. that movie is DOPEEE FRESHHHH SANNNN!!!

  10. 2277reptileman:

    Jeana is always very pretty

  11. lolodo98:

    go blackhawks!! flyers,rangers suck!

  12. dan00783:

    Go flyers!!! Fuck rangers

  13. wad3091:

    Go rangers… Flyers suck

  14. glowwaters7:

    Jeana looks pretty!! As always!!!

  15. MrWhiteLioness:

    I like to have cheese in ma cheese cake


    was that cheesecake factory in florida ? 

  17. 3USRNAM3:

    In one of your videos you guys had the coolest iPhone cases EVER. They were like cubey looking ones. Where did you get them? I’ve been looking everywhere and can’t find it.

  18. cuteycatx3:

    7:31 shes covering her private like -hai no filming my private part-

  19. missymam321:

    Sharing is Caring

  20. kae wood:

    CUTEST PART 4:10-4:55

  21. fangirlperez123:

    i <3 NYLAH

  22. emperor047:

    I am from the future, that necklace that Jesse is wearing will break.

  23. MsBaybegirl:

    im allergic to nuts so maybe oreo’s and hot lava chocolate, whip cream and ah cherry 😛

  24. MsBaybegirl:

    3:17 jenna went dashie Gooderrrrr dan a b**** lol

  25. RandomGurlHeart: