Maru Greatest Hits V1


TURN ON ANNOTATIONS! For the impatient and in humble homage to the wonderful and delightful Maru, some highlights of Maru’s antics.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Harry Chapin
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 комментариев на “Maru Greatest Hits V1”

  1. YouAllAreNoobs:

    million dolllar baseballslide

  2. PKsLJ:

    hello, I love Maru, and have 2 kitties myself, I just recently purchased Maru’s book and even have a few photos of my own kitty looking at the book, live in the States, and wish i could pet Maru myself, thank you for sharing him to the world

  3. sniktawkram7:

    there’s something very anthropomorphic about Maru!

  4. MsLitmus:

    This so cute. I wonder how big he fluffy

  5. Wormy98ty:

    Very funny catty

  6. azarsmit:

    Love Maru, greetz from the netherlands.

  7. pigsrings:

    What is at cat doing with the bag on his head?! HA. Too funny.

  8. Lestrageness:

    1:36 Kitty Swag.

  9. trizmo289:

    We Love Maru!

  10. buttmunchleh:

    both myself and my daughter love maru, domo arigato gozaimasu, oyasumi nasai, sayanora


    LOve Maru…from sanjuan Puerto rico USA

  12. Crazeyjaney13:

    I love watching your cat! Thanks for making me smile and laugh!

  13. Matt00851:

    he really is the worlds cutest cat

  14. mystickybuns1:

    nice cat you got there

  15. iHarajukuCindy:

    The Japanese Garfield, but better! Way better! :DD

  16. MrsShiaLabeouf12:

    49 people cant find a cat that will slide into boxes.

  17. zwaxman1992:

    0:35. «Really you woke me up for that»

  18. hecdc:

    I would pay a million bucks for that cat. I’m serious

  19. DevotedIslamfan:


  20. lizdeloro:

    I love this cat. He’s soooooooo cute. I just LOL when I watch him.

  21. mpabuayonc:

    So cute!! Just like Jio my parti toy poodle

  22. irishson97:

    Too funny. Love that cat. Thanks for the laughs

  23. mandy022787:

    hes sooo cute and fluffly ;D

  24. carrieferhat:

    Dear god could he be any cuter?!

  25. vimoss:

    dislikers suck

  26. mazedragon1:

    get this .008% of people dislike this song, I’d say that is a great song

  27. respectmilos:

    I LOVE SERBIA!!!! <3

  28. montverdechode:

    I always tear up to this shit

  29. pjohns41:

    @geerterri Not sure if serious, but if so…… congratulations, you got the point of the lyrics then.

  30. geerterri:

    I have always disliked this song. The singer was missing so much of his son’s growing up that there was a disconnect. And his son is doing the same thing.

    Sad. Very sad.

  31. americanpsycho93:

    22 people never had dad’s

  32. darrius13sniper:

    Well, my parents got divorced recently and this song has helped the healing, even though my dad doesn’t realize it, i’ve moved on from resenting him for the things he has done. early on i was more Father of Mine by Everclear. This song just helped a lot. I’m not angry and i feel sorry because my father, through his own self-destructive ways, isolated himself from the people that cared about him: my mom, my little brother and i

  33. vonkiser:

    @inilledra Yea my dad years ago kept saying this song said it all-I was always too busy to do things with him. Now I’m 41 and we are spending time together but cant ever get those times past back. And NOW I am seeing it with my kids. Good song…

  34. ajcarne:

    Amazing wonderful song. Harry Chapin we miss the likes of you. You left this world way way too young.

  35. rahuljo1986:

    @Chaotic841: 😀 😀 😀

  36. Chaotic841:

    @rahuljo1986 HA! i saw it!

  37. Chaotic841:

    this song reminds me of my little brother..

  38. JerryFTD:

    @cbm25 im so sorry…

  39. BakedGanja420:

    1:00 Press This and listen more carefully. Pay attention, this song is life in general.

  40. rahuljo1986:

    Has ANYONE seen his facial Expression at 3.54??? And here we have «THE JOKER» :D…Hahhahahaha

  41. austinisboss1:

    my dad used to sing this to me and play the guitar and it brings emotions to me whenever i hear it

  42. Albertan1956:

    If you do not play the guitar you maybe do not appreciate how difficult this song is to play on a guitar, due to where the chords of the song are played!

  43. cbm25:

    My dad died when I was 3, and I’m not a father yet. But this song makes me cry everytime. He died before I could remember anything about him. I can’t relate to the lyrics, but yet they mean so much to me.

  44. khundhilux:

    พ่ออยู่ไหน ตอนนี้ลูกเหงา

  45. veronicaharmonicaful:

    I never even knew my dad and I’m a girl but this makes me cry every time for reasons unknown

  46. kaitley1:

    @intheflesh420 thats awful!

  47. mcmeekz:

    listening to this song in my dorm room…im homesick. i cant wait to go home for thanksgiving, i miss my family

  48. jackaloopa:

    i was fortunate to see harry chapin…this song has always resonated with me since i was i was a single mom…and now he’s grown…

  49. poasecunda:

    Harry Chapin was an awesome artist. I saw him 2-3 times in concert in the 1970’s. Whatever the venue, he turned it into a warm and intimate experience. One of the greatest of all time.

  50. adelsarwar:

    Lol @intheflesh420 badass dad u have.. Lol