いろいろな小さ過ぎる箱とねこ。-Many too small boxes and Maru.-


どのくらい小さな箱ならば入ることを諦めるのでしょうか。When Maru found a smaller box, do you think that he gives up entering? sisinmaru.blog17.fc2.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

irokotv.com The Cats of darkness are all out to destroy any being they view as rivals. Mama Chibuzor(Patience Ozokwor Stars as the evil coven leader who stings anybody that comes her way.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 комментариев на “いろいろな小さ過ぎる箱とねこ。-Many too small boxes and Maru.-”

  1. UnicornPrincessBunny:

    maybe if i run at the box every time ill fit EVERY TIME!?

  2. sayuriconte:

    This video is adorable!.. hehehehe

  3. Massh0le121:

    awwww kitty is adorbs!!!!!!!

  4. LoveCookiieMonster:

    2:15 Best :DD

  5. KatalanMoon:

    I want this cat so fucking bad! <3<3<3<3

  6. mraw98:

    I just want to pull his cheeks awwww 🙂

  7. richmonksgtr:

    Boy of Scottish Fold.
    He likes to jump in boxes.
    Chubby swishy tail.

  8. surfere1969:

    So cute.You were just on animal planet too.way to go on that.Checked out my videos to and you can keep your cat In boxes by buying things from my links on this site too.Oh well won’t let me post links.Check out my gift video to get my blog address.lol

  9. LootableCorpse:

    Doesn’t matter, have box

  10. Soundtracker131:

    Maru likes boxes…
    …and my window’s caption is «ភាសាខ្មែភាសាខ្មែររ»
    coincidence? i think NOT!!!

  11. o0OLauO0o:

    I love how the cat is like what the fuck is happening here.

  12. Soooooooooooonicable:

    I love this cat so much.. I just want to stick my face in it’s fur.

  13. DeconstrainedUnglued:

    1:35-1:40 «Close enough»

  14. n0teng0c0raz0n:

    gato gordo xd IT´s fun

  15. MrChiennesale:

    The slim box is the funniest part omg hahaha



  17. TheSweetlady007:

    This cat acts more like a DOG ! really….

  18. yami3007:

    i think… i dont have to take my celexa today!!!

  19. TheWardrobeHall:

    2:25-2:30! hahahaha sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!

  20. fuckyou7037:

    damn, he really loves boxes…

  21. Keith5Cats2:

    That look of hatred and disgust, lol he’s so adorable!

  22. freak4jellybellys35:


  23. EricScissorh4nds:

    OMG that is so adorable! I was having a pretty crappy day, but this still cracked me up.

  24. TheMixter123:

    He has BOD. Box obsession disorder.

  25. suzumol:


  26. shyredz:

    and love patience too she is a good actress

  27. shyredz:

    this is a good movie u can learn a lot from kids

  28. dmskittie12:

    mama G

  29. NollywoodLove:

    Tune in to watch recent Nigerian movies on iROKOtv, share the fun with your family and friends.

  30. Alicewolf2002:

    I am so addicted to Nollywood movies. Thank you for sharing your movies 🙂

  31. NollywoodLove:

    LOLzzz, Funny

  32. iridesse21:

    I love kitties..js nt dis ones lol

  33. NollywoodLove:


  34. 00792775:

    meeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooow lol

  35. glazese:

    Thanks Nollywood Love, by putting what to watch first at the begining of the movie I can enjoy the full show without having to guess.

  36. NollywoodLove:

    Well, i see you really enjoyed this movie, do stick around for more.

  37. NollywoodLove:

    We will keep bringing them on, don’t go nowhere.

  38. NollywoodLove:

    Many thanks for watching.

  39. NollywoodLove:

    I hate cats so bad that I can’t even stand its sight.

  40. fire201301:

    powerful…this is what we need to keep us firing!! Power, power power

  41. Etsounrun:

    D movie is scerin bt its luvly. i need 2 huk-up, i’m trying

  42. chenai88:

    yikes!! say no to cats lol scary stuff!

  43. NollywoodLove:

    Its just a movie, okay enjoy mr ibu then lol.

  44. NollywoodLove:

    Its just a movie, okay enjoy mr ibu then lol.

  45. shaq1nda:

    @NollywoodLove hey i’m trying to find the name of the movie where….patience ozokwor abused her sister’s daughter to death…

  46. nashtism:

    ehhhh nollywood this movie is toooooo scary ive just seen the beginning and i changed my mind lol…back to mr.ibu….lol

  47. NollywoodLove:

    Do enjoy the movie all the way.

  48. fani380:

    @NollywoodLove thank u 🙂 now i know whats my plan tonight

  49. NollywoodLove:

    Yeah it is titled «Princess of the Night».

  50. fani380:

    This movie is a good one but can anybodody tell me where i can get the continuation?