Wild Cats Fight


downstairs to my home
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25 комментариев на “Wild Cats Fight”

  1. Killamatrix243:

    This video

  2. cheater722:

    @iLieAboutMyAgeLOL you watch smosh arent you

  3. youracocksucker:

    cat on the right smokes too many ciggarettes

  4. Trollinista:

    Like Shite and Suni muslims.

  5. MsEpicArt:

    why would u have to Toms at the same time. NUETER!

  6. nisteven:

    @teshiaa21 Thats what cats do, they fight each other all the time to see who the more dominate one.

  7. bybuttscppickel:

    @Pooptality yes because calculators have cameras……

  8. iPlayBball08:

    This is better than human fight. When I search GANGSTA FIGHTS on youtube all they do is trash talk. In this video they cat trash talk and FIGHT

  9. x2malandy:

    Men tell women they like kitty’s. But women aren’t around, men kick kitty;s.


    THe solution to this problem is to kick one of the cats off the other one and throw the other cat into lake and once he comes out throw him back in

  11. TheSuperpartyboy123:

    Again another attempt to record with a loaf of bread…

  12. damanlogan:

    abusive relationships happen even with cats

  13. Shirokinukatsukami:

    2009 called.
    It wants its «joke» back.

  14. teshiaa21:

    Why were they fighting?

  15. crazycast1234:

    come on pussy back the fuck up

  16. viniciusprosdocimi:

    White cat wins…

  17. TBKGrumpyPROD:

    my dick has better quality.. good fight though.
    id like to fly you two pussy’s out for an interview

  18. misterchicky203:

    I love warrior cats

  19. 1disturbedturtle1:

    man whys the white cat always gotta keep the colored cat down?

  20. LavenderHoneyPancake:

    all shit talk, not enough action

  21. IsabellaTheWolfon:

    Warrior cats in real life,cool!

  22. lionstar1938:

    @Shadowbolt416 HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

  23. pokefan1223:

    At the end they we’re like «fuck it, i’m bored»

  24. PleaseShareCash:

    they are fighting about which game is better , cod or bf


    The ginger one is a pussy, oh wait….