

Март 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Кот упоротый, гонит беса, видать хозяин подсыпал ему чего в вискас и кота в итоге плющит. Кот-объебот. АХАХАХА
Video Rating: 4 / 5

mp3: www.mediafire.com Yeah, it’s me on the photo. One day I’ll do real video…but now all i can show — just photo ^^’ IT’S ORIGINAL SONG. story: my friend Serzh wrote music and asked to create some vocals and lyrics. Here it is. hope you’ll like it note: in russian exists a tale~legend about cats having 9 lifes, coz they fall down and never die). Transcription & Translation | Koshka gul’ajet sama pa sib’e Cat is always by her own | U koshki n’et brat’jef i n’et druz’ej She has no brothers and no friends | Sid’a na vadastochnaj trub’e When she is sitting on the rain tube | Koshka slyshit sabachij voj Cat hears the howl of the dogs CHORUS: | U koshki d’ev’at’ zhiznej Cat has nine lifes |Priroda zhystoka Nature is cruel |Ana saglasna i na adnu She agrees to have ONE |Lish by n’e bylo tak adinoka But not to feel so lonely |U koshki dev’at’ zhiznej Cat has nine lifes |Lig’endy prafdivy Tales are true | No kto by mog fs’e d’evat’ zd’ela~at’ But who can make all the nine | [sh]’aslivymi…? happy…? |Lun’e harasho, u nijo Ziml’a Moon is lucky, she has Earth | Rak’ety vakrug kak asinyj roj Rockets (fly) arond like a swarm of wasps |A koshka prosta hochet damoj And cat just wants (to go) home |A doma n’et… But she has no home… |I nada b napitsa da den’ig net And she should get drunk, but she has no money | I nada b fstr’ahnutsa no koshka spit And she should cheer up, but the cat sleeps |Pad n’ebam pakrashennym f chornyj tsvet Under the sky dyed with black |Pat chornym n