

Март 2025
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CHECK ME ON IMDb: IMDb.me Please click the link & pass around to all of your friends. It helps raise my status to get better gigs. Thanks STEW CREW! VISIT MY NEW WEBSITE: JohnBasedow.net Please click that SUBSCRIBE button! Like, Favorite, Comment & Share this video with friends! GETTING CHUNKED IN THE NEW MEDIA STEW POT A WTF Of The Week on a viral video featuring a VERY sleepy cat. Plus…the winner of the Canon camera is announced! Intro by Bravo TV’s «Tabatha’s Salon Takeover» star Tabatha Coffey. Sleepy Cat / Is That Cat Dead? WTF Story Links: bit.ly bit.ly My WTF reports also appear on Michael Warbux’s «News That Caught My Attention». Please check out his channel & subscribe: YouTube.com FIND ME HERE: Official Website: JohnBasedow.net Fitness & Vlog Channel YouTube.com Order DVDs & Books: FitnessMadeSimple.com Twitter Twitter.com Facebook: Facebook.com DailyBooth: DailyBooth.com PLAYLISTS! MOTIVATIONAL: bit.ly WTF REPORTS: bit.ly MOVIE REVIEWS: bit.ly FITNESS: bit.ly ASK JOHN & GRACE: bit.ly Special Appearances By: Tabatha Coffey: Twitter.com Grace Helbig: YouTube.com CiCa: YouTube.com Ben Hughes: ObviouslyBenHughes GET A NEW MEDIA STEW SHIRT! http Custom make it yourself! Choose designs, colors & shirts. Send me cool stuff! John Basedow NEW MEDIA STEW 309 Main Street — Suite 234 Farmingdale NY 11735 To download the NEW MEDIA STEW theme song for FREE click: bit.ly If you want to use the NEW MEDIA STEW instrumental version for video responses click: bit.ly EXTRA TAGS

It looks like Cooper found his favorite fruit. A fresh, juicy watermelon every blue moon makes for a delightful treat. When it’s the doggies’ turn, Cooper wouldn’t leave the watermelon alone and even tried to squeeze in front of the doggies. Check out our blog for pictures: sweetfurr.blogspot.com Thanks for stopping by! スイカが好き猫ちゃん