Самые смешные коты и кошки !
my cat enjoys the future! Iggy is 6 year old male cat, who has always been exceedingly curious and technologically inclined. the screen is fine! cat’s claws are not as hard as glass. also: don’t declaw your cat! its like lopping off your fingers at the last joint! trim their nails instead Apps: Noby Noby Boy () itunes.apple.com Magic Piano () itunes.apple.com
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And here’s what it sounds like if you have your babel fish in your ear translating for you. find me on facebook: www.facebook.com twitter: twitter.com Don’t forget, this is a translation of the original video (with permission!) by TheCatsPyjaaaamas: www.youtube.com And now, a talking Canadian Border Beaver: www.youtube.com puppilove1996’s redo of this video (using Webkinz): www.youtube.com
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